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Children's Book August 2024

Last Updated December 5, 2024

<Picture Book> From infants

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Display image of "Kidsbeya Noyoru"

A child's house
Iku Dekune / Literature / Picture
Iwanami Shoten
Issued in February 2024
Number of pages: 40p
Main unit price: 1200 yen
Thank you very much. Everybody has a big girl. If you turn it up or open it. I can't see any great friends. I'm getting scared. "If you're sucked in the black, you'll be a ghost." I have three stories.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Picture Book> From the lower grades of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Display image of "Atike and Heaven Potato Field"

Athike and the heavenly potato field
Kazumi Uno / sentence
Kazuyoshi Iino / Picture
BL Publishing
Issued in March 2024
Number of pages: 31p
Main unit price: 1,800 yen
A child of a girl who sucks her dad. He was swept away by the terrible Witch Achike. When I climbed the tsuna that was helped by Condor and Puma and came from the sky, there was a field of potatoes that had been looked for. It is a long time ago that it is transmitted to the Andes of the United States.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

*The cover image used has been licensed by the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction is not possible.

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  Look at the previous month / Books introduced so far * Books introduced since September 2000 are posted.

*To parents
Here are some of the books published every month that are recommended by the library.
Please use it widely, from small children to adults, as a compass for enjoying children's books.

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