<Story and Literature> From infants
Cover image | Material information and content introduction |
![Image of "A new version of a girl who likes a riddle"](https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/kurashi/kyodo-manabi/library/kids/osusume/2024/202405.images/0175_20240308.jpg)
| A new version of a girl who likes a riddle Kyoko Matsuoka / Saku Reiko Okoso / Eh Gakken Published in November 2023 Number of pages: 56p Main unit price: 1,300 yen When a woman's child went to the forest to look for her riddle play, she came to her hungry wolf. When the girl ( riddle on the wolf, the wolf thought, "This is difficult." Well, do you know the answer? This is a new version of the 50th anniversary commemoration (Kinen |
●I'll see you. ●(External site)
<Story and Literature> From Junior High School Students
Cover image | Material information and content introduction |
![Display image of "Sieri and Ice Sea Pirates"](https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/kurashi/kyodo-manabi/library/kids/osusume/2024/202405.images/0176_20240308.jpg)
| Pirates of the sea of sea of seas Frida Nilson/ Alexander Jansson / Picture It's a good thing. Iwanami Shoten Issued in November 2023 Number of pages: 365p Main unit price: 2,300 yen My sister was kidnapped. It's a small island, while I haven't seen it. A pirate who was afraid of anyone, took away to work in a diamond mine. I decided to go to the sea to help my sister. Even if the sails of the ship are so cold that they are frozen, no matter how evil they are. |
●I'll see you. ●(External site)
<Ehon> From infants
Cover image | Material information and content introduction |
![Display image of "Yasuke's Terakoya Diary Part 1"](https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/kurashi/kyodo-manabi/library/kids/osusume/2024/202405.images/0177_20240308.jpg)
| Hachisuke's Terakoya Diary (Nikki One episode Wa Kazuyoshi Iino / work Orient Museum Publishing Company Published in October 2023 Number of pages: 1 book (without page) Main unit price: 1500 yen Hachisuke is a boy who lives in the town of Edo. Today I'm going to Terakoya in good spirit. There were a lot of friends. Together with everyone, we learn reading books and abacus from the teacher. Hachisuke, who was full after eating lunch (hiru rice and was full, was a big abalone. Oh! My teacher has an acne! |
●I'll see you. ●(External site)
*The cover image used has been licensed by the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction is not possible.
![Back number logo](https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/kurashi/kyodo-manabi/library/kids/osusume/2024/202405.images/0005_20180827.png)
Look at the previous month / Books introduced so far * Books introduced since September 2000 are posted.
*To parents
Here are some of the books published every month that are recommended by the library.
Please use it widely, from small children to adults, as a compass for enjoying children's books.