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Here's the text.

"Voice of citizen" business

Last Updated November 7, 2019

Proposals from citizens

Proposals and requests for municipal administration and ward administration

For more information, please visit the Civic Affairs Bureau page.

Mayor's petition

For more information, please visit the Civic Affairs Bureau page.

Director General Petition

Those that meet all of the following requirements are eligible for acceptance.

  • The name of the post must be an organization
  • The title and name of the representative of the organization must be described.
  • Documents must be written (directly brought in or mailed)
  • The address of the request form is "Konan Director General".
  • If there is a request for disclosure regarding this request, it is understood that the name of the organization, the position and name of the representative will be disclosed (the personal information in the text and the personal information described in the signature book etc. will not be disclosed)

※If you need an answer, we will check the address of the answer (Address, address, contact information).


By "proposal from citizen" "the mayor petition", we announce suggestion, opinion sent from everybody and the answer.

I would like to answer the questions of the public hearing business.

Inquiries to this page

Konan Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Telephone: 045-847-8321

Phone: 045-847-8321

Fax: 045-846-2483

Email address:

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Page ID: 770-369-526

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