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  8. [Results of Public Opinion] About abolition of law enforcement detailed regulations about Anma pine surge shiatsu, beam teacher, kiyu teacher, judo reduction teacher law enforcement detailed regulations and dental technician law enforcement detailed regulations

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[Results of Public Opinion] About abolition of law enforcement detailed regulations about Anma pine surge shiatsu, beam teacher, kiyu teacher, judo reduction teacher law enforcement detailed regulations and dental technician law enforcement detailed regulations

Last Updated August 4, 2023

Abolition of the detailed regulations of the law on Anmamatsu surgeshi, beamshi, Kiyushi, etc.

Outline of the results announcement project
Opinion open call for participants Abolition of the detailed regulations of the law on Anmamatsu surgeshi, beamshi, Kiyushi, etc.
Title of rules, etc. to be determined Rules to abolish the detailed regulations of the law concerning Anmamatsu surge shiatsu, beam, kiyu, etc.
Laws and Regulations Article 9-2, Article 9-3, Article 9-4, Article 12-2 of the Act on Anma Massage Shiatsu, Hashi, Kiyu, etc.
Overview About notification styles such as notification of establishment of treatment place, we establish in rule now, but abolish rule to establish in summary.
Date of promulgation of rules, etc. Friday, August 4, 2023
Date of publication of results Friday, August 4, 2023
Opinion submission period May 22, Reiwa 5 (Monday)-June 20, Reiwa 5 (Tuesday)
Summary of results, submitted opinions, consideration results and reasons for opinions, etc.

Opinion open call for participants summary (word: 12KB)
Rules to abolish the detailed regulations of the law concerning Anmamatsu surge shiatsu, beam, kiyu, etc.

Link to the public opinion solicitation screen Opinion open call for participants screen
How to obtain materials View and distribute at Medical Care Bureau Medical Safety Division, City Hall 3F Citizen Information Center and each ward office Public Relations Section
Name of jurisdiction section, etc. (reference) Medical Care Bureau Medical Safety Division
Telephone: 045-671-2414
FAX: 045-663-7327

Abolition of the Enforcement Regulations of the Judo Reduction Teacher Act

Outline of the results announcement project
Opinion open call for participants Abolition of the Enforcement Regulations of the Judo Reduction Teacher Act
Title of rules, etc. to be determined Rules for abolishing the detailed rules of the Judo Reduction Teacher Act
Laws and Regulations Article 19 of the Judo Reduction Teacher Act
Overview About notification styles such as notification of establishment of treatment place, we establish in rule now, but abolish rule to establish in summary.
Date of promulgation of rules, etc. Friday, August 4, 2023
Date of publication of results Friday, August 4, 2023
Opinion submission period May 22, Reiwa 5 (Monday)-June 20, Reiwa 5 (Tuesday)
Summary of results, submitted opinions, consideration results and reasons for opinions, etc.

Opinion open call for participants summary (word: 12KB)
Rules for abolishing the detailed rules of the Judo Reduction Teacher Act

Link to the public opinion solicitation screen Opinion open call for participants screen
How to obtain materials View and distribute at Medical Care Bureau Medical Safety Division, City Hall 3F Citizen Information Center and each ward office Public Relations Section
Name of jurisdiction section, etc. (reference) Medical Care Bureau Medical Safety Division
Telephone: 045-671-2414
FAX: 045-663-7327

Abolition of the Dental Technician Law Enforcement Detailed Regulations

Outline of the results announcement project
Opinion open call for participants Abolition of the Dental Technician Law Enforcement Detailed Regulations
Title of rules, etc. to be determined Rules to abolish the detailed regulations of the Dental Technician Law
Laws and Regulations Article 21 and Article 26 of the Dental Technician Law
Overview Notification and application styles such as notification of establishment of dental technicians are currently stipulated in the rules, but the rules will be abolished to determine them in the outline.
Date of promulgation of rules, etc. Friday, August 4, 2023
Date of publication of results Friday, August 4, 2023
Opinion submission period May 22, Reiwa 5 (Monday)-June 20, Reiwa 5 (Tuesday)
Summary of results, submitted opinions, consideration results and reasons for opinions, etc.

Opinion open call for participants summary (word: 12KB)
Rules to abolish the detailed regulations of the Dental Technician Law

Link to the public opinion solicitation screen Opinion open call for participants screen
How to obtain materials View and distribute at Medical Care Bureau Medical Safety Division, City Hall 3F Citizen Information Center and each ward office Public Relations Section
Name of jurisdiction section, etc. (reference) Medical Care Bureau Medical Safety Division
Telephone: 045-671-2414
FAX: 045-663-7327

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Page ID: 647-582-850


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