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Creating individual evacuation plans

Last Updated August 28, 2024

What is an individual evacuation plan?

 For each person who needs assistance in evacuation during a disaster, evacuation support can be provided smoothly in the event of a disaster.
 ①Which evacuation center to evacuate 2 Who will provide evacuation support?
 It's something to decide in advance.

Background of Initiatives

 Of the total deaths from recent storms and floods, about 65% of Typhoon No. 19 in FY2019 and about 79% in heavy rains in July 2020 were elderly people aged 65 or older. In addition, there were many cases of people with disabilities who suffered damage.
 Based on this, the Disaster Countermeasures Basic Law was revised in May 2021, and it became the duty of municipalities to make individual evacuation plans. .

Initiatives in FY2024

 For those who need to prepare an individual evacuation plan because they live in the flood inundation area on the hazard map or immediately subject to the evacuation warning, we have sent out documents such as the "Consent Confirmation Form for Individual Evacuation Plan".

 Consignment company: Kanagawa Welfare Service Promotion Association

What I would like to ask

・Please show it to your care manager (or planning counselor) and your family and check it together.
・Ask if you want to create an individual evacuation plan.
 Please confirm the consent confirmation, such as provision of personal information, and sign it.

To agree

・Individual evacuation plans will be created in order from those who have agreed to the provision of personal information, etc., and will be created in descending order of priority such as physical conditions.
 In addition, since individual evacuation plans for those who have obtained consent will be created sequentially, the notification regarding the plan creation may be made after April 2025.
・To the extent necessary for planning, personal information may be provided to stakeholders such as candidates for evacuation support and facility managers of candidate facilities for evacuation destinations.
・Individual evacuation plans are created for the purpose of sharing the situation of the individual with related parties in advance, encouraging advance preparations, and leading to evacuation.
 It is a plan to increase the possibility of evacuation, and does not guarantee evacuation.
 In addition, we do not assume responsibility for those who support evacuation.
・In carrying out the individual evacuation plan, the expenses incurred (entering facilities, moving, etc.) will be borne by the individual.
・Please consider evacuation in the event of a typhoon or heavy rain based on your living situation and physical situation, and judge your consent.

Image of plan creation

 Individual evacuation plans are assumed to be created with welfare professionals (care managers, planning counselors) who support the individual, but they may be created by the individual or family.
 Also, if necessary, create it while sharing information with related parties.
  ・Family, relatives, acquaintances, welfare businesses, administration, local welfare officers, Neighborhood Associations Neighborhood Association, etc.

To the Welfare Professionals

 In Yokohama City, we are working on the creation of individual evacuation plans with the cooperation of welfare professionals who regularly support the target people.
 In this case, a part of the office work will be carried out by the above contractor. The flow of the plan creation and the question form are posted on the website of the contractor, so please check it.
  Consignment company HP (outside site)

Inquiries to this page

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