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Utilization of Akarengasoko

Last Updated March 4, 2019

■Overview Overview ■Concept Concept
■History History ■No.1 Warehouse No.1Warehouse
■Preservation Preservation ■No.2Warehouse No.2Warehouse
■Utilization Renewal

Utilization of Akarengasoko

Based on the basic concept of "a space that creates the bustle and culture of the port," Akarengasoko has been developed as a space where citizens can relax and lively. Of the two buildings, the smaller No. 1 warehouse is mainly used as a cultural facility, and the larger warehouse No. 2 is mainly used as a commercial facility.
In addition, the two-story square (event plaza) sandwiched between the two warehouses has been positioned and maintained as a lively production space integrated with the warehouse. Akarengasoko is located just in the middle of the Minato Mirai 21 Central District with Chinatown and Yamashita districts. It creates a flow of people walking along the waterfront line.

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