

Here's the text.

15-13 Disposal status of waste (garbage, human waste)

Last Updated May 15, 2024


Waste collection and disposal status

  1. Yokohama City Statistical Report

Chapter 15 Hygiene and Environment

  • Table 4 Waste Management
    • (1) Total amount of waste and resources
    • (2) Amount of incineration and landfill disposal by treatment facility
  1. City of Yokohama, Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau

Total amount of waste and resources

  1. Comparison of Major City Statistics

XV Hygiene

  • 10.Collection and Disposal Status of Garbage
  1. Ministry of the Environment

General contact for government statistics (e-Stat) General waste treatment business fact-finding (outside site)

  • Processing status + data by prefecture (Kanagawa prefecture year)
    • Total results (garbage disposal status)

Human waste treatment

  1. Yokohama City Statistical Report

Chapter 15 Hygiene and Environment

  • Table 4 Waste Management
    • (5) Situation of human waste treatment
  1. Comparison of Major City Statistics

XV Hygiene

  • 11.Collection and Disposal of Human Waste
  1. Ministry of the Environment

General contact for government statistics (e-Stat) General waste treatment business fact-finding (outside site)

  • Processing status + data by prefecture (Kanagawa prefecture year)
    • Aggregation results (human waste treatment status)

Recycling and recycling

  1. Yokohama City Statistical Report

Chapter 15 Hygiene and Environment

  • Table 4 Waste Management
    • (3) Status of Resource Recycling
    • (4) Number of organizations and amount collected in local recyclables collection
  1. City of Yokohama, Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau

Total amount of waste and resources

  1. Ministry of the Environment

About the results of separate collection based on the Containers and Packaging Recycling Law of the Ministry of the Environment (outside site)

  1. Ministry of the Environment

General contact for government statistics (e-Stat) General waste treatment business fact-finding (outside site)

  • Processing status + data by prefecture (Kanagawa prefecture year)
    • Total results (garbage disposal status)

Number of cleaning equipment (work vehicles, etc.)

  1. Comparison of Major City Statistics

XV Hygiene

  • 9.Number of cleaning equipment
    • (1) Waste
    • (2) Night soil

Open data

Inquiries to this page

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Telephone: 045-671-4201

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