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Separated collection plan
Last Updated April 6, 2023
The 10th Yokohama City Separated Collection Plan (established in July 2022) (PDF: 278KB)
The 9th Yokohama City Separated Collection Plan (established in June 2019) (PDF: 190KB)
The eighth Yokohama-shi separate collection plan (formulated in June, 2016) (PDF: 284KB)
The 7th Yokohama City Separated Collection Plan (established in June 2013) (PDF: 186KB)
The 6th Yokohama City Separated Collection Plan (established in July 2010) (PDF: 177KB)
The fifth Yokohama-shi separate collection plan (revised in January, 2010) (PDF: 2,660KB)
The fifth Yokohama-shi separate collection plan (revised in December, 2008) (PDF: 2,660KB)
The 5th Yokohama City Separated Collection Plan (established in June 2007) (PDF: 2,697KB)
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