

Here's the text.

Board of Education Secretariat Faculty and Staff Labor Division

Last Updated June 16, 2020


6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi 14th floor

Mailing address

6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi

Major Operations and Contacts

Labor Section

Major Operations and Contacts
Main Business Contact information

Matters related to salaries of faculty and staff, working hours and other working conditions, travel expenses, etc.

Phone number: 045-671-3247
Fax: 045-681-1413
Email address:

Payroll Section

Major Operations and Contacts
Main Business Contact information
Matters related to salaries and other benefits of faculty and staff
Thing about faculty and staff general affairs office

Phone number: 045-671-3701
Fax: 045-681-1413
Email address:

Health and Welfare Section

Major Operations and Contacts
Main Business Contact information
Health, welfare, occupational safety and hygiene management of faculty and staff, public affairs accidents

Phone number: 045-671-3251
Fax: 045-681-1413
Email address:

Inquiries to this page

Board of Education Secretariat Faculty and Staff Human Resources Department

Telephone: 045-671-3247

Telephone: 045-671-3247

Fax: 045-681-1413

Email address:

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Page ID: 337-238-845


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