

Here's the text.

Sales Division, Transportation Bureau High Speed Rail Division

Last update date April 1, 2024


6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
19th floor of City Hall

Major Operations and Contacts

Major Operations and Contacts
Major Operations Contact information

Thing about business plan of municipal subway.
Thing about fare and rate of municipal subway (except thing which division of Business Administration Division.) 。
Thing about permission of the competent government office pertaining to business plan of municipal subway.
Thing about sale and production of municipal subway ticket.
Thing about traffic investigation of municipal subway, collection, making, investigation and analysis of transportation statistics and other materials.
Thing about use manner enlightenment of municipal subway.
Thing about tie-up plan or sales promotion pertaining to high-speed rail with various groups for the purpose of improving value along municipal transportation and creating bustle.
Matters related to the acquisition of members of the Hama Eco Card Business and the promotion of use.

Phone number: 045-671-3175
Fax: 045-550-4181
Email address:

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Page ID: 844-999-911


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