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Medical Care Bureau Standard Processing Period

 ※These standard processing periods do not include the number of days required for correction, etc.

Last Updated October 1, 2024

List of standard processing periods for Medical Care Bureau (*as of October 1, 2024)
Jurisdiction section, etc.Laws, ordinances, etc.Basis clause
Office work related to licensing, etc.Standard processing period
Number of days
Organizations, etc.
Number of days
Health Sanitation DivisionLaw on Cemeteries, Burials, etc.10-1Permission to manage graveyards, ossuarys or crematoriums30Health Sanitation Division, each district15
10-2Permission to change the graveyard area or ossuary or crematorium facility and permission to abolish the graveyard, ossuary or crematorium30Health Sanitation Division, each district15
The regulations about permission of management such as Yokohama-shi graveyards5-1Permission to change the area where tombs are set up in the graveyard or the number of tombs30Health Sanitation Division, each district15
13-1Confirmation of conformity with structural equipment standards for graveyards, etc.14Health Sanitation Division, each district7
Hot Spring Law15-1Permit to use hot spring40Health Sanitation Division, each district20
16-1Approval of succession of status of a person who has received a hot spring use permission (merger or split of a corporation)14Health Sanitation Division, each district7
17-1Approval of succession of status (inheritance) of a person who has received permission to use the hot spring14Health Sanitation Division, each district7
Act on Chemical Plants, etc.3-1Permission to set up a chemical plant and a dead animal and livestock handling plant28Health Sanitation Division, each district14
8Production of fertilizers made from meat such as seafood, birds, etc., and permission to install storage facilities for these raw materials.28Health Sanitation Division, each district14
Animal Protection CenterAct on the Protection and Management of Animals10-1Registration of animal handling business21Health Sanitation Division, each district7
26-1Permission to breed or store specific animals7
28-1Change of permission for breeding or storage of specific animals7
Ordinance on the Protection and Management of Animals in Yokohama City19-2Postpayment of fees7
19-4Reduction of fees7
Yokohama City Animal Protection Center Ordinance4Permission to use the facilities7
7-3Postpayment of fees7
7-5Reduction of fees7
Yokohama City Rabies Prevention Law Enforcement Handling Rules11Permission for transfer, etc.14
Food Sanitation DivisionAnd the Slaughterhouse Law4-1And permission to set up a slaughterhouse22Meat Sanitation Laboratory15
12-1And approval of slaughterhouse fees and dismantling fees22Meat Sanitation Laboratory15
Regulations on the business of poultry processing and the law on poultry inspection3Permit to food bird processing business22Meat Sanitation Laboratory15
6-1Permission to change structural equipment22Meat Sanitation Laboratory15
16-1Certification of Confirmation Rules22Meat Sanitation Laboratory15
16-2Certification of change of confirmation rules22Meat Sanitation Laboratory15
Meat Sanitation LaboratoryAnd the Slaughterhouse Law14-1、2、3Biological inspection, post-soon inspection and demolition inspection2
14-3And permission to take it out of the slaughterhouse15
Regulations on the business of poultry processing and the law on poultry inspection15-1、2、3Biological test, de-Ugo test and post-visceralectomy test1
Yokohama City Meat Sanitation Laboratory Ordinance5-2Postpayment of examination fees7
6Reduction of fees for examinations, etc.7
Yokohama City Meat Sanitation Laboratory Ordinance Enforcement Regulations8Display approval of results of tests, etc.7
Health and Safety DivisionImmunization Act15-1disability pension, etc. (New)360Health and Welfare Division, each district7
disability pension, etc. (continued)30
Medical Safety DivisionMedical Law4-1Approval of use of the name of the regional medical support hospital180

Permission to open
(in the case of a hospital)


Permission to open
(in the case of clinics and midwives)

7-2Permission to change the opening permission items (in the case of a hospital)
7-2Permission to change the opening permit (in the case of clinics and midwives)9
7-3Permission to install and change beds in clinics12


12-1Permission of management exemption by the establisher himself9
12-2Permission to concurrently serve as administrators9
16Permission to exempt doctor night duty at hospitals9
18Permission for exclusive pharmacist installation (in the case of hospitals and clinics)9
27Permission to use structural equipment10
44-1Approval of the establishment of a medical corporation90
46-5-1Approval of special provisions for the number of directors of medical corporations21
46 5-6Authorization that does not include a portion of the manager to the director of a medical corporation21
46 6-1Authorization with a person other than a doctor or dentist as the president90
54-9-3Authorization of change of articles of incorporation or donation act of medical corporation21
55-6Approval of the dissolution of medical corporations90
Before revision 56-2(*)Approval of disposal of residual assets upon dissolution of medical corporations (corporations)21
Before revision 56-3(*)Approval of belonging to residual assets upon dissolution of a medical corporation (foundation)21
58-2-4, 59-2Approval of the merger of medical corporations90
60-3-4, 61-3Approval of the split of medical corporations90
Law on Clinical Laboratory Engineers, etc.3-1 of 20Registration of sanitary laboratories14
4-1 of 20Change of registration of inspection work at registered hygiene laboratory14
Law Enforcement Regulations on Clinical Laboratory Engineers, etc.18-1Renewal of registration certificate of hygiene laboratory10
19-1Reissuance of registration certificate of hygiene laboratory10
Deleterious Substance Control Law3-2-1Permit of specified poisonous researchers18
Enforcement Order of the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law11、16、22、28Designation of specific poisonous users18
35-1Rewrite and issue a license for a specific poisonous researcher8
36-1Reissue of the Permit of Specific Poisonous Researcher8
Detailed Regulations for Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law4-1Re-issuance of specified poisonous user designation certificate8
Dental Technician Law26-1(4)Permission for advertising items at dental laboratories6
Self-dissection preservation method2-1Permit of corpse autopsy10
9Permit the location of corpse autopsy20
19-1Permission to save corpses20
institute for healthYokohama City Inst. of Health Ordinance4-1Post-payment of examination fees14Health Sanitation Division, each district7
5Reduction of fees14Health Sanitation Division, each district7

※"Before revision" in the "base clause" column of the Medical Safety Division refers to the revision by the Act (Act No. 84 of 2006) that partially revises the Medical Law, etc. to establish a system to provide high-quality medical care. It means Article 56, Paragraph 2 or Paragraph 3 of the Medical Law before the revision.

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