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  8. Seya-ku, Yokohama City General Government Building and Futatsu Bridge Park Maintenance Project Requirement Standards Attachment Attachment

Here's the text.

Seya-ku, Yokohama City General Government Building and Futatsu Bridge Park Maintenance Project Requirement Standards Attachment Attachment

Last Updated March 10, 2020

■Announced on May 8, 2007

Required Standard (draft) Attachment
Attachment 1 Seya Ward Management Policy (Summary Version) (page 1) (PDF: 268KB)
Attachment 2 Guide Map (1 page) (PDF: 288KB)
Attachment 3 Site and Surrounding Survey Map (page 8) (PDF: 749KB)
Attachment 4 Site quadrature map (page 1) (PDF: 129KB)
Attachment 5 Site Area Change Map (1 page) (PDF: 202KB)
Attachment 6 Necessary rooms and specifications (ward office) (page 14) (PDF: 212KB)
Attachment 7 Required Rooms and Specifications (public hall) (page 4) (PDF: 102KB)
Attachment 8 Necessary rooms and specifications (fire department) (page 6) (PDF: 135KB)
Attachment 9 Water Supply Ledger (page 4) (PDF: 220KB)
Attachment 10 Sewerage Ledger (page 4) (PDF: 297KB)
Attachment 11 Telephone, Electricity and Gas Ledger (page 5) (PDF: 696KB)
Attachment 12 Soil Survey Report (Excerpt) (page 14) (PDF: 1,359KB)
Attachment 13 General Government Building General Map (Plane) (page 6) (PDF: 258KB)
Attachment 14 Existing General Government Building Detailed Map (Elevation, Cross-section, Foundation, exterior) (page 16) (PDF: 2,246KB)
Attachment 15 Fire Prevention Water Tank Ledger (page 7) (PDF: 1,030KB)
Attachment 16 Construction Rotation Map (page 1) (PDF: 69KB)
Attachment 17 Specifications for public hall Alternative Facility (page 1) (PDF: 16KB)
Attachment 18 Seya Ward General Government Building Section Traffic Line / Correlation-related Map (page 2) (PDF: 111KB)
Attachment 19 Seya Ward Organization Map (page 4) (PDF: 33KB)
Attachment 20 Disaster Prevention Radio Overview (page 10) (PDF: 476KB)
Attachment 21 Outline of seismometer (page 1) (PDF: 26KB)
Attachment 22 Announcement from Health and Welfare Center (page 8) (PDF: 3,608KB)
Attachment 23 public hall Events (Excerpt) (page 3) (PDF: 238KB)
Attachment 24 Government building construction standard (fire department) (page 18) (PDF: 74KB)
Attachment 25 Firefighting Branch Office Design Standards (Electrical Equipment Construction) (page 37) (PDF: 190KB)
Attachment 26 Isogo fire department Communication Room Equipment List (page 1) (PDF: 546KB)
Attachment 27 System Configuration Abbreviation (page 1) (PDF: 173KB)
Attachment 28 List of Equipment for Seya fire department Directives (page 1) (PDF: 14KB)
Attachment 29 Seya fire department Power Capacity Management Table (page 1) (PDF: 14KB)
Attachment 30 Isogo fire department Floor Plan (page 2) (PDF: 642KB)
Attachment 31 Isogo fire department case photo (page 3) (PDF: 124KB)
Attachment 32 Use coefficient standards for public building structural design (page 11) (PDF: 44KB)
Attachment 33 Current Government Building Equipment Equipment Table and Equipment Capacity Table (Electricity) (page 7) (PDF: 667KB)
Attachment 34 Power Supply Required Circuits and Network Communication Routes (page 1) (PDF: 12KB)
Attachment 35 System in the Agency and Disaster Prevention System (page 2) (PDF: 14KB)
Attachment 36 Current Government building equipment equipment table and equipment capacity table (machine) (page 16) (PDF: 1,089KB)
Attachment 37 Futatsu Bridge Park Plan Floor Plan (page 1) (PDF: 213KB)
Attachment 38 Futatsu Bridge Park Old Floor Plan (page 1) (PDF: 203KB)
Attachment 39 Futatsu Bridge Park Public Map Copy (1 page) (PDF: 35KB)
Attachment 40 Development Ordinance Article 6 Flow of Road Consultation (page 1) (PDF: 37KB)
Attachment 41 conservation Policy for Existing Trees (page 2) (PDF: 3,544KB)
Attachment 42 Road Plan Map (1 page) (PDF: 279KB)
Attachment 43 Resident opinions at public hearings (page 1) (PDF: 679KB)
Attachment 44 Request offer result of inhabitant of a ward about Government building maintenance (page 8) (PDF: 43KB)
Attachment 45 Conduct results of questionnaire about Government building maintenance (page 14) (PDF: 145KB)
Attachment 46 List of fixtures and fixtures set up by selected businesses (page 10) (PDF: 35KB)
Attachment 47 Sprayed Asbestos Survey Results (page 7) (PDF: 2,760KB)
Attachment 48 Concept of Operational Implementation System (Concurrently) in Maintenance and Operational Operations (page 1) (PDF: 71KB)
Attachment 49 Results by User of public hall (page 1) (PDF: 12KB)
Attachment 50 Results of royalties income for public hall (page 1) (PDF: 14KB)
Attachment 51 Bookmarks using public hall (page 2) (PDF: 16KB)
Attachment 52 Calculation of the fee for use of administrative property (page 1) (PDF: 330KB)
Attachment 53 Situation of cafeteria and stand (page 1) (PDF: 15KB)
Attachment 54 Current menu of cafeteria (page 1) (PDF: 9KB)

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