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Last Updated January 26, 2024

Archive 2016
DateEvent news
March 27, 2017We are looking for companies that have technologies and know-how in the waste field! (PDF: 207KB) (finished)
March 06, 2017Baguio, Philippines, introduced the technology of Amkong, a small and medium-sized enterprise in the city. The spread of sludge dewatering equipment is progressing in the Philippines! (PDF:590KB)
February 13, 2017The Y-PORT business will be introduced on NHK International Broadcasting on February 17 (Fri)! (finished)
December 26, 2016-The 5th Da Nang Urban Development Forum was held in Da Nang, Vietnam -
A step forward toward solving urban issues in Da Nang City through participation in city companies! (PDF:252KB)
November 16, 2016 We will start collaborating with the World Bank! -Utilization of the World Bank's "Urban Partnership Program"-(PDF: 253KB)
November 09, 2016The 5th Asia Smart City Conference will be held! (11/18) (PDF: 223KB) (finished)
August 05, 2016~ It was adopted as a JICA Grassroots Technical Cooperation Project (Special Regional Revitalization Framework) ~
We will work on waste issues in Da Nang, Vietnam through public-private partnerships through the Y-PORT Center! (PDF:810KB)
July 25, 2016Proposal of JCM equipment assistance project of small and medium-sized enterprises in the city was adopted by the Ministry of the Environment (PDF: 415KB) (addition)
July 20, 2016A survey for commercialization in the Cebu metropolitan area of the Philippines will be conducted in the “Grant Assistance Cooperation with Local Governments” in which Yokohama City made proposals and requests to the government (PDF: 663KB).
July 01, 2016Proposal of JCM equipment assistance project of small and medium-sized companies in the city (two companies) was adopted by the Ministry of the Environment (PDF: 384KB)
June 09, 2016Concluded a partnership agreement with Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation to promote the Y-PORT business (PDF: 395KB)
June 09, 2016We have concluded a comprehensive partnership agreement with the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ to promote international business (PDF: 456KB).
June 09, 2016Concluded a partnership agreement with the Bank of Yokohama to promote international business (PDF: 368KB)
April 15, 2016Yokohama City's experience opens flowers in Metro Cebu, Philippines: Developing roadmaps and concrete initiatives to realize the Mega Cebu Vision 2050
April 08, 2016Gather knowledge of Yokohama City's global warming countermeasures
Cooperated with the formulation of the Bangkok Metropolitan Climate Change Master Plan (PDF: 723KB)

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