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- Specifications, Implementation Guidelines, and Special Notes
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Specifications, Implementation Guidelines, and Special Notes
Last Updated March 6, 2025
1.Special specifications for construction
1-1Special specifications for designation of construction methods (from February 20, 2023) (PDF: 62KB)
Special specifications for designation of construction method (until February 19, 2023) (PDF: 55KB)
1-2Special Specifications for Improving Site Environment (PDF: 110KB)
1-3Special Specifications for Electronic Delivery (PDF: 17KB)
1-4 Special specifications for one-day response (internal link)
1-5Special specifications (word: 18KB)
1-6 Special specifications (internal link) on landmarks and public control points associated with construction
1-7Special Specifications in the Stage Inspection System (PDF: 85KB)
1-8Safety Management Designated Construction Special Specifications (PDF: 101KB)
1-9 Special Specifications for Bridge Painting Refill (Internal Link)
1-10 Special Specifications (internal link) for the preparation of a resume for repair of bridges
Special specification (internal link) for the preparation of repair resume records for bridges, tunnels, etc.
1-11 Pedestrian pedestrian bridge painting repainting special specifications (internal link)
1-12 Special specifications for electrical equipment construction (internal link)
1-13 Road Lighting Construction Special Specifications (Internal Link)
1-14 Special specifications (internal link) for the production and installation work of road studs (self-luminous type)
1-15Special specifications for ensuring the quality of civil engineering concrete structures (from February 20, 2023) (PDF: 71KB)
Special specifications for ensuring the quality of civil engineering concrete structures (until February 19, 2023) (PDF: 68KB)
(Image diagram of nameplate to be installed in important concrete structures (PDF: 226KB))
1-16Special specifications (PDF: 79KB) for twisted resistance improvement type drainage mixture
1-17Special specifications for the VE method after contract (PDF: 185KB)
1-18Special Specifications for Intermediate Technical Inspection (PDF: 46KB)
1-19 Special specifications for water-retaining pavement (internal link)
1-20 Special Specifications for thermal insulation pavement (internal link)
1-21 Special specifications (internal link) for top coat of drainage pavement
1-22 Special specifications for molten sprayed road surface color pavement (internal link)
1-23 Special specifications (internal link) for affixed road marking sheet
1-24 Special Specifications for Road Greening Work (internal link)
1-25 Street Tree Rooting Countermeasures Special Specifications (Internal Link)
1-26Special Specifications for Damage Compensation Business (PDF: 260KB)
Special specifications for river construction (until March 31, 2023) (PDF: 271KB)
Special specifications for river construction, etc. (from April 1, 2023) (internal link)
Special specifications related to safety such as construction work for torrential rainfalls (until March 31, 2023) (PDF: 143KB) (internal link)
Special specifications related to safety such as construction work for torrential rainfalls (from April 1, 2023) (internal link)
1-27Special specifications (PDF: 60KB) for estimation of work completed in less than one day
1-28Special Specifications (PDF: 78KB) for digitization of small blackboard information for digital construction photos
1-29 Special specifications for the installation of comfortable toilets (internal link)
2.Implementation Guidelines
2-1Stage inspection system (temporary construction, etc.) implementation guidelines (PDF: 77KB)
2-2Site-generated roadbed material (former roadbed material) Recycling Implementation Guidelines (PDF: 50KB)
2-3Survey implementation guidelines for the occurrence of cracks in concrete structures (PDF: 204KB)
2-4 Implementation guidelines for road construction and private use construction (installation standards for security facilities) (internal link)
3.Special Specifications for Outsourcing
3-1Special specifications for civil engineering design work (PDF: 1,675KB)
3-2Special Specifications for Surveying Business (PDF: 274KB)
3-3Special specifications such as survey markers (PDF: 46KB)
3-4 Boundary survey survey surveying consignment specifications (internal link)
3-5Special Specifications for Electronic Delivery (City of Yokohama, Road and Highway Bureau) (PDF: 106KB)
3-6Outsourcing Business Progress Report (Excel: 42KB)
4.Special notes
4-1 Special Notes on Handling Personal Information (Internal Link)
※In construction, the contractor shall be replaced with the “orderer” and the trustee shall be replaced with the “contractor”.
4-2Special Notes on Information Handling Contracts for Computer Processing (From April 1, 2023) (PDF: 250KB)
Special Notes on Information Handling Contracts for Computer Processing (until March 31, 2023) (PDF: 261KB)
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Telephone: 045-671-3964
Telephone: 045-671-3964
Fax: 045-651-6527
Email address: do-gijutsukanri@city.yokohama.lg.jp
Page ID: 168-745-523