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Overview of Boundary Survey

Last Updated August 2, 2024

Boundary survey is to clarify the boundary between roads, rivers, waterways, etc. managed by Yokohama City and the land in contact with them.
When the person who owns the land in contact with the road or waterway needs a boundary survey, the relevant landowner and Yokohama City will have a witness consultation by application from that person.
When this witness consultation is established, the boundary is determined, and a boundary mark is set up to create a boundary survey map. The boundary survey map can be used for buying and selling land, land area correction, writing brushes, etc.
(In the boundary survey, when the boundary is undetermined, the relevant landowner and the city will be present to determine the boundary, and when the boundary has already been determined but becomes unclear, There is a "boundary restoration" to check again. Before applying, please check if there are any documents related to the boundary, such as the boundary survey map of the Public Works Office Roadway and the road ledger of the Road Investigation Division. )

Application for boundary survey

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If you need a boundary survey, please submit the following documents to the city (Public Works Office).

Road and waterway boundary survey application (first style)

A copy of the land registry
Application lot number issued within 3 months
At the time of application, confirm that the applicant is the current owner.

Copy of official map
Copyed by the Legal Affairs Bureau within 3 months

Guide map

Consent to the owner of the adjacent land registration form (Form No. 2)
In order to facilitate the on-site boundary witness consultation, the applicant will explain the purpose of the boundary survey to the owner of the adjacent land before applying and obtain consent for attendance.

<What is the owner of the adjacent land?>
Those who own land (next to the three houses facing each other) in contact with the roads and waterways of the application site.
If you agree, please sign registration form and give seal.
This is to confirm that you can participate in the witness consultation, and does not accept the boundary.

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In city which accepted application, we perform document investigation, field investigation.

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Notice of attendance

You will be notified of the date and time of attendance at the site.
Since it is difficult to select a convenient day for all those who need to be present in the work, the date and time of the witness will be decided in the city, so please cooperate.

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In the field, we will discuss the boundaries with roads and waterways.
The boundaries are determined by the conclusion of the consultation, signing the written consent, and receiving the seal. If the consultation is not established, the boundaries with roads and waterways will not be determined.

Creation of boundary survey diagrams, etc.
When boundary is decided, we install boundary mark which city establishes and make boundary investigation figure. If you need a copy of the boundary survey map, please apply to the Public Works Office of each ward.

Inquiries to this page

Asahi Ward Asahi Public Works Office

Telephone: 045-953-8801

Phone: 045-953-8801

Fax: 045-952-1518

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Page ID: 625-611-669

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