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Honmura Hayashiren

Last Updated March 4, 2019

1.Group introduction

Honmura Hayashi was handed down in the early Meiji era, and is said to have been actively performed during the Taisho era. Meiji
At the inauguration ceremony of Honmura Shinmei Shrine's temple restoration work in the middle period, there is also a story that Honmura Hayashiren performed at a stall.
It's not. At that time, the performance was based on Kanda-style music, but it was interrupted once during the war and then Showa.
In the 1930s, it was rebuilt by switching to a mountain hand-based music called Jonan Hayashi in the Omori district of Tokyo.
Currently, 11 people continue to work and are certified as an intangible cultural property protection organization in Yokohama City.

Photo 1 of Honmura Hayashi

2.Through activities-a word from members-

◆The charm of Honmura Hayashi
There is also a background that the headwaters have changed from before and after the war, and the dance is based on Kanda music, and the music is based on Jonan music.
It's a coincidence. There are three types of dances in Honmura Hayashi, but the flow of songs varies depending on the type, and the dance is performed.
By connecting songs together, the festival will be excited.
The musical instrument uses Shinobue, a cheerful child, and creates a flow of music with a pleasant sound while changing the flute according to the tone.
Sir. It is attractive to have a sense of unity when five people, a flute, a large drum, two drums, and a gong, breathe.

◆Honmura Shinmei Shrine Annual Festival, Honmoku Oma Nagashi
One of the major activities is the dedication of the Honmura Shinmei Shrine Annual Festival. Every year on the first Saturday of September or the second soil
I'm going on Sunday (Saturday close to September 8).
In addition, as an activity in other districts, "Oma Nagashi" (prefecture-designated intangible folklore statement) held in Honmoku on the first Saturday and Sunday of August in August as an activity in other districts.
We also participate in the registration of chemical goods. This is an event in which music groups from each region participate, and was invited to another event before.
I have been participating every year for about 20 years.

Currently, members of society play a central role in working energetically, but members gather together for a long time.
There are some situations where it is difficult. In the future, we would like to continue our activities and consider nurturing the next generation.

Photo 2 of Honmura Hayashi

3.Frequency of activities (practice)

From 19:00 to 21:00 on the first Sunday of every month Honmura Kaikan

4.Main Activities

  • On the first Saturday of August, Sunday Honmoku Festival “Oma Nagashi”
  • September 1st or 2nd Saturday Honmura Shinmei Shrine Annual Festival dedication
  • January 2 Honmura Lion Dance
  • In addition, hands-on instruction at elementary schools, music at the request of local communities, etc.

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