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Designated manager of Sakae Ward residents' facilities

Last Updated May 11, 2022

What is the designated manager system?

In June 2003, the Local Autonomy Law was partially revised (enforced in September of the same year), and the management of "public facilities" aims to improve residents' services and reduce expenses by utilizing private abilities. , A designated manager system has been introduced. Unlike the conventional management consignment system, not only investment corporations and public organizations of local governments, but also private businesses can become designated managers who manage "public facilities" after the resolution of Congress. .
In Sakae Ward, a designated manager system was introduced in fiscal 2006, and designated managers manage and operate each facility.

This page lists the management and operation status of designated managers of Sakae Ward.

Information related to the designated manager systemLink to city
Policy Bureau Co-creation Promotion Office, Yokohama
Telephone 045-671-3320
Fax: 045-664-3501

About management administration situation of designated manager of Sakae Ward inhabitants use facility

1st fiscal year (FY2018-FY2022)

2nd fiscal year (FY2011-FY2015)

Management and operation status of the second designated manager

3rd fiscal year (FY2016-FY2016)

About open call for participants of designated manager

About open call for participants of the third designated manager (* About Kamigo Yazawa community house, the second)

About designated manager open call for participants of the third Sakae Ward inhabitant of a ward facility

About open call for participants of the fourth designated manager (※ the third about Kamigo Yazawa community house)

Inquiries to this page

Sakae Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Telephone: 045-894-8391

Telephone: 045-894-8391

Fax: 045-894-3099

Email address:

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Page ID: 490-409-935

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