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Style [This event has ended]

Last update date February 7, 2022

In Nishi Ward, various genres and many local organizations are active every day.

The aim is to convey the Nishi Ward-style style of local activities rooted in the community.

At a special booth in front of Nishi Ward Office, we will conduct a project to introduce local organizations and sell products.

Please look forward to it.

Exhibition booth in front of Nishi Ward Office front entrance and on a daily basis

At the ward office front entrance square, we will exhibit a daily booth by local organizations. There are also activity introductions, experiences, and product sales, so please drop in!
[Daily exhibition booth schedule (exhibition time from 11:00 to 15:00 * Unless otherwise specified)]
Season 1 (Monday, December 13, Reiwa 3 to Friday, December 24)
Monday, December 13 '98 Love Network (Sales of handicrafts)
Tuesday, December 14 Mirai Kobo Nishi (sales of independent products)
Wednesday, 12/15 Ririzu West (handicraft sales)
Thursday, December 16 Nishi Ward Dietary Improvement Promotion Committee (Distribution of materials, distribution of small gifts)
Friday, December 17 Road Safety Association (Traffic Safety Quiz, Awareness Activities)
Monday, December 20 Sarai Kobo (food sales, woodwork products, miscellaneous goods sales)
Tuesday, 12/21 Heart Workshop (sale of independent products)
Wednesday, December 22 Guts Bito West & N Krap (Sale of independent products, Tohoku and Kumamoto products)
Thursday, December 23 Rehabilitation Women's Association (introduction of activities, sale of confectionery, etc.)
Friday, December 24 Nishi Ward Residents Facility Association (Facility introduction (game))

Season 2 (Monday, January 17, 2014-Friday, January 28)
Monday, 1/17 Nishitomo Hiroba (introduction of business)
Tuesday, 1/18 Silver Human Resources Center (leaflet distribution, small gifts distribution)
Wednesday, 1/19 Nishi Ward Cultural Association (Drawing portraits (advance reservations at Tel: 045-320-8392), introduction of activities, etc.)
Thursday, 1/20 Nishi Ward Community Care Plaza (business introduction)
Friday, 1/21 Nishi Ward anti-crime program Association (Introductionanti-crime program Quiz)
Saturday, 1/22 Junior Volunteer & Rehabilitation Women's Association / West District Center (cleaning activities, business introduction, etc.) ※Until 13:00
Monday, 1/24 Yumezukuri Sanbankan (food sales, miscellaneous goods sales)
Tuesday, 1/25 Name / Tatsu no Kai (bazaar, work sales, activity introduction)
Wednesday, 1/26 West Protection Chairman & Rehabilitation Women's Association (business introduction, etc.)
Thursday, 1/27 Consumer Affairs Committee Children's Committee (Business Introduction)
Friday, 1/28 Nisimae Elementary School (Extracurricular Activities)

Inquiries to this page

Nishi Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Telephone: 045-320-8389

Telephone: 045-320-8389

Fax: 045-322-5063

Email address:

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Page ID: 568-552-665

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