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Nishi Ward Town Walking App "NISHIMARO DIARY" is completed!

Last Updated August 27, 2021

Nishi Ward Office, College of Information Science
Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi original town walk application NISHIMARO DIARY is completed!

Nishi Ward Office, in cooperation with Iwasaki Gakuen College of Information Science, has been developing and studying a town walking app that enjoys around the city for a year since 2015, called "Smart Town Walking". From May 2016, we will start free distribution of the app!

Contents of the appDownload the appProgress of efforts so farInquiries

NISHIMARO DIARY is an app for sightseeing spots recommended by Nishi Ward mascot character Shimaro-chan.
When you go around the sightseeing spots set in the app, you can see the "secret diary" written by Nishimaro-chan on the spot. In addition, you can't see the diary unless you go to the site.
In addition to the diary, you can find items and compete in rankings. Enjoy walking around the town with a unique app where young people's ideas shine.
※Click the image in the app description below to enlarge it.

Nishimaro Diary Explanation Image 1(Image: 59KB) 1. Top screen. When you tap the "Search" button ...

Nishimaro Diary Explanation Image 2(Image: 44KB) 2. A pin stands at the spot where Shimaro-chan's diary is written. Walk around the town toward the spot!

Nishimaro Diary Explanation Image 3(Image: 44KB) 3. When you go to the spot, you will see the display "Diary was found!"

Nishimaro Diary Explanation Image 4(Image: 88KB) 4. Press "Read Diary" to see a diary and photo drawn by Nishimaro-chan at that place.

Nishimaro Diary Explanation Image 5(Image: 115KB) 5. You can change the photo to the photo you took by tapping "Change the photo in this diary".

Nishimaro Diary Explanation Image 6(Image: 33KB)6. There are places where you can find items related to that place. The items you find will be collected in the collection.

Nishimaro Diary Explanation Image 7(Image: 63KB)7. You can read the diary once you find it back as many times as you like. Let's check the table of contents of the diary!

Nishimaro Diary Explanation Image 8(Image: 94KB) 8. When you go to the spot, points will be awarded in addition to the diary. You can compete in rankings at accumulated points.

<For Android (android)> (external site)

<For iPhone (iPhone)> (external site)

You can also download it by reading the QR code below.

Nishimaro Diary (Android QR code)
For Android (Android)

Nishimaro Diary (Eiphone QR Code)
For iPhone (ifoon)

※Please read the Terms of Service carefully before using this application.
※The supported OS is as follows. However, it does not guarantee all operations.
・iPhone, iPad (iOS 6.0 or later)
・Android Requirements 4.1 or higher
※It is dangerous to use a smartphone while walking. Please stop and use it.

The theme of the town walk in Nishi Ward is "a smart way of walking." The existing urban area in the ward is called a "smart area", and the purpose is to have local residents and tourists enjoy walking not only in the Minato Mirai 21 district but also in the existing urban area.
Students from the College of Information Science and Yokohama City officials collaborated to develop the app, starting with Ideason*1 in June last year, while conducting field surveys and hackathon*2 .
In addition, we received various opinions and issues at the Minato Mirai Sakura Festa 2016 in April around Yokohama Station, where the prototype version of the app can be used by the general public. We have been improving our technology with the aim of making it an app that is easy to use and has fun.

*1 Ideason = coined word that combines ideas and marathons. A workshop where you can share ideas and opinions in groups.
*2 Hackathon = A coined word that combines "hack" and marathon, which refers to software engineering. For a certain period of time, we will intensively collaborate on program development and service development.

<Development Schedule>
PeriodEvent nameContents
June, 20151st IdeasonWe conducted group work on ideas while looking at open data and materials from Nishi Ward.
Approximately 70 students and city officials also participated in the group work.
JulyThe 2nd IdeasonStudents and city officials brushed up the idea of the app presented in the first ideason.
SeptemberField surveyStudents actually walked around with people familiar with the history and geography of Nishi Ward as lecturers.
NovemberHackathonBased on ideason and field surveys, we examined screen transitions and designs for the app.
DecemberApp selectionFrom the nine app ideas presented by student groups, three actually produce the app.
I selected it.
February, 2016App experience meeting (first time)Using the three prototype apps, actually walk around Yokohama Station toward the general public.
Thank you very much.
AprilApp experience meeting (2nd time)At Minato Mirai 21 Sakura Festa 2016, a town walking event using "NISHIMARO DIARY" was held.
Approximately 50 people participated.
May"NISHIMARO DIARY" application for Android has been released!

<Initiative Landscape>

1st Ideason Photo
↑1st Ideason

Photo of field survey
↑Field survey

App experience meeting (first time) Photo
↑App experience meeting (first time)

App experience meeting (2nd time)
↑App experience meeting (2nd time)

<App "NISHIMARO DIARY" Development Team>

Iwasaki Gakuen College of Information Science Information Security Department 2nd year Tomoo Homma, Teruhito Yamazaki, Kihito Shimura, Kenichi Katsuharu
Ryusei Ono, 2nd year, Department of Advanced IT Systems

[Initiatives such as the background of application development]
Nishi Ward Office Ward Administration Promotion Division Public Relations Section (in charge of app)
Phone: 045-320-8329 Email:

Operations and malfunctions of the application "NISHIMARO DIARY"]
Iwasaki Gakuen College of Information Science

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Inquiries to this page

Nishi Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division Public Relations Section

Telephone: 045-320-8329

Phone: 045-320-8329

Fax: 045-322-9847

Email address:

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Page ID: 893-189-538

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