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Nishi-Public Works Office Disaster Initiatives

Last Updated July 1, 2022

From the Yokohama Regional Meteorological Observatory, weather warnings (heavy rain, storms, storms) and flood warnings, heavy snow warnings, storm surge warnings, flood control warnings for rivers in the jurisdiction, and earthquakes with seismic intensity 4 or more occur in Nishi Ward. In the event of a disaster, we will immediately recruit necessary personnel to enter an emergency deployment system, conduct road patrols and cooperate with related organizations to prepare for anticipated disasters and respond to emergencies (emergency recovery).
Contact information (response department) varies depending on the type of disaster.

  1. Understanding weather conditions
  2. Observation of water level and rainfall
  3. Patrol of major arterial roads and hazardous areas
  4. Grasp the damage situation
  5. Response to emergency restoration work

If floods are expected due to heavy rains such as typhoons, we will distribute sandbags.

Disaster prevention information

Disaster prevention information in Yokohama City
Earthquake Information in Yokohama City
Yokohama-shi flood disaster information (outside site)
Announcement of Disaster Prevention from Nishi Ward

Depending on the type of disaster, contact information to the corresponding department (window) is as follows.

Contact information
Type of disasterResponse department (window)Phone number
Flooding of roadsWest Public Works Office045-242-1313
Damage to roads and sewerage facilities, etc.
(Road collapse, road lighting, etc.)
West Public Works Office045-242-1313
Collapse of trees, etc.
(Park trees, street trees, etc.)
West Public Works Office045-242-1313
Landslides (private land)Nishi Ward Office General Affairs Division
Housing and Architecture Bureau Building Disaster Prevention Section
River flooding, flooding, etc.
(Katabira River)
Yokohama Kawasaki Flood Control Office, Kanagawa Prefecture045-411-2500
Traffic accidents, etc.Tobe Police Department045-324-0110
FireNishi fire department (Head Office)
Sengencho Fire Branch Office
Sakainotani Fire Department Branch Office

Inquiries to this page

Nishi Ward West Public Works Office

Telephone: 045-242-1313

Phone: 045-242-1313

Fax: 045-241-7582

Email address:

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Page ID: 263-305-325

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