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  3. Disaster Prevention and anti-crime program
  4. anti-crime program
  5. Nishi Ward Crime Occurrence Information Email (anti-crime program Mail)

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Nishi Ward Crime Occurrence Information Email (anti-crime program Mail)

Last Updated October 26, 2020

What is Nishi Ward Crime Occurrence Information Email (anti-crime program Mail)?

By registering the e-mail address of your mobile phone or your home computer, you can quickly find information about crimes such as theft and snatching that occurred in Nishi Ward. Make use of Nishi Ward crime occurrence information email for anti-crime program activities at home and in the community.

Contents of the email

The e-mail contains information about crimes such as theft and snatching that occurred in Nishi Ward, suspicious individual information, and familiar criminal information such as wire fraud.

Email delivery example
Subject: To avoid snatching damage
Text: ○On the day of the month, two snatchings occurred in Nishi Ward XX town. Snatch damage is on the rise in Nishi Ward. With a little care of each person, you can protect yourself from snatching damage.
4 items that snatching offenses hate

  1. It is turned around when it approaches
  2. anti-crime program Net in the basket in front of the bicycle
  3. It is hard to steal if you hold a bag on the wall side.
  4. It's hard to steal a bag.

Registration method

Register via the web form.

  1. Apply for registration. (external site), enter your e-mail address, and click the "Apply for membership" button.
  2. As soon as you click the join button, you will receive a registration confirmation email.
    Please confirm your registration according to the contents of the email you received.
    It must be set to receive emails from and
  3. If you receive the registration completion email (Welcome email), registration will be completed.

Cancellation method

Cancel from the web form

  1. I'll apply for cancellation.
    Please access each membership option page and click the unsubscribe button according to the contents of the page.
    The address and password of the Member Options page can be found in the "Welcome Email" sent at the time of registration.
    It can also be accessed from (external site).
  2. As soon as you click the unsubscribe button, you will receive an email confirming cancellation.
    Please confirm the cancellation according to the contents of the email you received. (Same as enrollment)
  3. If you receive the cancellation email, the cancellation will be terminated.

If the registered e-mail address becomes unreceivable for a certain period of time, the registration may be canceled regardless of the intention of the registrant. In addition, please note that you may receive a registration information confirmation email with the URL of the member page to the registrant.

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Inquiries to this page

Nishi Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Telephone: 045-320-8389

Telephone: 045-320-8389

Fax: 045-322-5063

Email address:

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Page ID: 366-513-345

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