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Electoral List Abstract Viewing Status

Last Updated November 27, 2024

About publication of electoral list abstract reading situation

Article 28-4, Paragraph 7 of the Public Office Election Law (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis in Article 30-12) and Article 3-4 of the Public Office Election Law Enforcement Regulations (when applied mutatis mutandis in Article 2-2 of the Overseas Election Execution Regulations) Based on the provisions of the above, we will announce the status of browsing the electoral list abstracts, the name of the applicant, the outline of the applicant, the outline of the browsing, the outline of the purpose of the purpose of the browsing, the purpose of the browsing, the browsing, the browsing of the browsing of the applicant, the browsing, the browsing, the outline of the purpose of the purpose of the browsing, the electoral list excerpt, and the browsing, and the browsing of the browsing, twice a summary of the purpose of the electoral list, and the outline of the browsing, and the

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