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Gathering of caregivers

Last Updated April 10, 2024

What is the Gathering of Caregivers?

Guidance handbill for caregiver support

The Community Care Plaza and Regional Comprehensive Support Center in Midori Ward provides a variety of support programs, including study sessions on nursing care and exchange meetings for caregivers.
Talking to someone about your care concerns, such as anxiety in your first care or not knowing how to treat it, can make you feel easier.
Why don't you join us without holding it alone?

 ※Local Elderly Care Management Center is set up in each community care plaza.

 It is a website that supports "choice of life like oneself" in elderly people.
 A lot of useful information is posted for those who are in need of nursing care.

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Midori Ward Health and Welfare Center Elderly and Disabled Support Division

Telephone: 045-930-2311

Telephone: 045-930-2311

Fax: 045-930-2310

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Page ID: 751-448-793

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