

Here's the text.

Record of the 2024 Yokohama City Environmental Impact Assessment Examination Committee held

Last Updated February 13, 2025

The 11th Yokohama City Environmental Impact Assessment Examination Committee
Date of the event

From 14:30 to 15:15 on Monday, December 23, 2024


Yokohama City Hall 18th floor Minato 4.5 (WEB Conference)

Agenda item
  1. About revision of Yokohama-shi environmental consideration guideline and Yokohama-shi environmental impact assessment technology guideline
  1. (PDF: 110KB)
  2. Seat chart (PDF: 180KB)
  3. Document 1. About hearing for revision of Yokohama-shi environmental consideration guideline [the secretariat document] (PDF: 54KB)
  4. Document 2. About revision of Yokohama-shi environmental consideration guideline and Yokohama-shi environmental impact assessment technology guideline [the secretariat document] (PDF: 827KB)
  5. Document 3. <Attachment 1> Consideration guideline revision plan (draft) [Secretariat document] (PDF: 244KB)
  6. Document 4. <Attachment 2> Main opinions received at the examination committee [Secretariat document] (PDF: 388KB)
  7. Document 5. <Attachment 3> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Appendix 2 [Secretariat document] (PDF: 130KB)
  8. Document 6. <Attachment 4> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Appendix 3 [Secretariat document] (PDF: 90KB)
  9. Document 7. <Attachment 5> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate waste / construction soil [Secretariat document] (PDF: 165KB)
  10. Document 8. <Attachment 6> Technical Guidelines Revision (draft) Attachment Air Quality [Secretariat document] (PDF: 167KB)
  11. Document 9. <Attachment 7> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate soil [Secretariat document] (PDF: 161KB)
  12. Document 10. <Attachment 8> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate Noise [Secretariat document] (PDF: 162KB)
  13. Document 11. <Attachment 9> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate vibration [Secretariat document] (PDF: 173KB)
  14. Document 12. <Attachment 10> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate ground [Secretariat document] (PDF: 172KB)
  15. Document 13. <Attachment 11> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate odor [Secretariat document] (PDF: 159KB)
  16. Document 14. <Attachment 12> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate low frequency sound [Secretariat document] (PDF: 153KB)
  17. Document 15. <Attachment 13> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate safety [Secretariat document] (PDF: 159KB)
Minutes Minutes of the 11th Examination Committee (PDF: 252KB)
The 10th Yokohama City Environmental Impact Assessment Examination Committee
Date of the event

From 14:30 to 15:43 on Monday, December 9, 2024


Yokohama City Hall 18th floor Minato 6.7 (WEB Conference)

Agenda item
  1. Revision of Yokohama City Environmental Impact Assessment Technology Guidelines
  1. (PDF: 109KB)
  2. Seat chart (PDF: 168KB)
  3. Document 1. About revision of Yokohama-shi environmental impact assessment technology guideline [the secretariat document] (PDF: 1,663KB)
  4. Document 2. <Attachment 1> Main opinions received at the examination committee [Secretariat document] (PDF: 348KB)
  5. Document 3. <Attachment 2> Technical Guidelines Revision (draft) Separate Greenhouse Gases [Secretariat Document] (PDF: 166KB)
  6. Document 4. <Attachment 3> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate organisms and ecosystems [Secretariat document] (PDF: 189KB)
  7. Document 5. <Attachment 4> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate green space [Secretariat document] (PDF: 205KB)
  8. Document 6. <Attachment 5> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate water circulation [Secretariat document] (PDF: 164KB)
  9. Document 7. <Attachment 6> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate water quality and bottom quality [Secretariat document] (PDF: 176KB)
  10. Document 8. <Attachment 7> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate radio interference [Secretariat document] (PDF: 171KB)
  11. Document 9. <Attachment 8> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate shading [Secretariat document] (PDF: 168KB)
  12. Document 10. <Attachment 9> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate style environment [Secretariat document] (PDF: 185KB)
  13. Document 11. <Attachment 10> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate regional transportation [Secretariat document] (PDF: 160KB)
  14. Document 12. <Attachment 11> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate landscape [Secretariat document] (PDF: 175KB)
  15. Document 13. <Attachment 12> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Attachment place for contact activities [Secretariat document] (PDF: 155KB)
  16. Document 14. <Attachment 13> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate cultural properties, etc. [Secretariat document] (PDF: 166KB)
Minutes Minutes of the 10th Examination Committee (PDF: 284KB)
The 8th Yokohama City Environmental Impact Assessment Examination Committee
Date of the event From 9:30 to 11:30 on Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Yokohama City Hall 18th floor Minato 6.7 (WEB Conference)

Agenda item
  1. About new interchange maintenance business plan stage consideration book directly connected to former Kamiseya communication facility district and Tomei Expressway
  2. Revision of Yokohama City Environmental Impact Assessment Technology Guidelines
  1. (PDF: 110KB)
  2. Seat chart (PDF: 179KB)
  3. Document 1. Mayor opinion (draft) pertaining to new interchange maintenance business planning stage consideration directly connecting former Kamiseya communication facility district and Tomei Expressway [Secretariat document] (PDF: 224KB)
  4. Document 2. About revision of Yokohama-shi environmental impact assessment technology guideline [the secretariat document] (PDF: 1,363KB)
  5. Document 3. <Attachment 1> Main opinion (about separate table 2) that we had in examination committee until the last time [the secretariat document] (PDF: 197KB)
  6. Document 4. <Attachment 2> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Appendix 2 [Secretariat document] (PDF: 266KB)
  7. Document 5. <Attachment 3> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate soil [Secretariat document] (PDF: 162KB)
  8. Document 6. <Attachment 4> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate ground [Secretariat document] (PDF: 163KB)
  9. Document 7. <Attachment 5> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate land stability [Secretariat document] (PDF: 152KB)
  10. Document 8. <Attachment 6> Technical guideline revision plan (draft) Separate safety [Secretariat document] (PDF: 160KB)
Minutes Minutes of the 8th Examination Committee (PDF: 341KB)
The 7th Yokohama City Environmental Impact Assessment Examination Committee
Date of the event From 9:30 to 11:28 on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Yokohama City Hall 18th floor Minato 1.2.3

Agenda item
  1. Revision of Yokohama City Environmental Impact Assessment Technology Guidelines
  1. (PDF: 106KB)
  2. Seat chart (PDF: 203KB)
  3. Document 1. Revision of Environmental Impact Assessment Technical Guidelines [Secretariat Document] (PDF: 1,296KB)
  4. Document 2. <Attachment 1> Technical Guidelines Separate Revision Plan (draft) Air Quality [Secretariat document] (PDF: 368KB)
  5. Document 3. <Attachment 2> Technical guideline separate revision plan (draft) Water quality and bottom quality [Secretariat document] (PDF: 379KB)
  6. Document 4. <Attachment 3> Technical guideline separate revision plan (draft) Noise [Secretariat document] (PDF: 360KB)
  7. Document 5. <Attachment 4> Technical guideline separate revision plan (draft) Vibration [Secretariat document] (PDF: 377KB)
  8. Document 6. <Attachment 5> Technical guideline separate revision plan (draft) Odor [Secretariat document] (PDF: 359KB)
  9. Document 7. <Attachment 6> Technical Guidelines Separate Revision (draft) Low-frequency sound [Secretariat document] (PDF: 350KB)
  10. Document 8. <Attachment 7> Technical Guidelines Separate Revision (draft) Radio interference [Secretariat document] (PDF: 374KB)
  11. Document 9. <Attachment 8> Technical Guidelines Separate Revision Plan (draft) Shadow [Secretariat Document] (PDF: 374KB)
  12. Document 10. <Attachment 9> Technical Guidelines Separate Revision Plan (draft) Wind Environment [Secretariat Document] (PDF: 369KB)
  13. Document 11. <Attachment 10> Technical guideline separate revision plan (draft) Regional transportation [Secretariat document] (PDF: 360KB)
  14. Document 12. <Attachment 11> Technical guideline separate revision plan (draft) landscape [Secretariat document] (PDF: 380KB)
  15. Document 13. <Attachment 12> Technical guideline separate revision plan (draft) Place for contact activities [Secretariat document] (PDF: 353KB)
  16. Document 14. <Attachment 13> Technical Guidelines Separate Revision Plan (draft) Cultural Properties, etc. [Secretariat Documents] (PDF: 371KB)
Minutes Minutes of the 7th Examination Committee (PDF: 438KB)
The 6th Yokohama City Environmental Impact Assessment Examination Committee
Date of the event From 9:30 to 10:53 on Monday, September 2, 2024

Yokohama City Hall 18th floor Minato 1.2.3

Agenda item
  1. About new interchange maintenance business plan stage consideration book directly connected to former Kamiseya communication facility district and Tomei Expressway
  1. (PDF: 104KB)
  2. Seat chart (PDF: 208KB)
  3. Document 1. Supplementary material [Business document] (PDF: 1,055KB) about new interchange maintenance business plan stage consideration book directly connected to former Kamiseya communication facility district and Tomei Expressway
Minutes Minutes of the 6th Examination Committee (PDF: 347KB)
The 5th Yokohama City Environmental Impact Assessment Examination Committee
Date of the event From 9:00 to 10:57 on Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Yokohama City Hall 18th floor Minato 6.7 (WEB Conference)

Agenda item
  1. Kawasaki Plant (Ogicho area) Thermal power generation equipment replacement plan (provisional) planning stage Environmental considerations
  2. About new interchange maintenance business plan stage consideration book directly connected to former Kamiseya communication facility district and Tomei Expressway
  1. (PDF: 111KB)
  2. Seat chart (PDF: 189KB)
  3. Document 1. Kawasaki Plant (Ogicho District) Thermal Power Plant Replacement Plan (provisional) Plan Stage Opinion from conservation's point of view on environmental considerations (draft) [Secretariat] (PDF: 219KB)
  4. Document 2. About hearing for the mayor opinion formation for plan stage consideration book pertaining to new interchange maintenance business directly connected to former Kamiseya communication facility district and Tomei Expressway (request) [the secretariat document] (PDF: 63KB)
  5. Document 3. About procedure to affect plan stage consideration book pertaining to new interchange maintenance business directly connected to former Kamiseya communication facility district and Tomei Expressway [Secretariat document] (PDF: 336KB)
  6. Document 4. Outline of the planning stage consideration book pertaining to a new interchange maintenance project that directly connects the former Kamiseya communication facility district and the Tomei Expressway [Business Data] (PDF: 10,941KB)
Minutes Minutes of the 5th Examination Committee (PDF: 384KB)
The 2nd Yokohama City Environmental Impact Assessment Examination Committee
Date of the event

From 9:30 to 10:30 on Thursday, May 23, 2024


Yokohama City Hall 18th floor Minato 4.5 (WEB Conference)

Agenda item
  1. About the 2027 International Horticultural Expo Environmental Impact Assessment Preparation Document
  1. (PDF: 100KB)
  2. Seat chart (PDF: 549KB)
  3. Document 1 List of points to be pointed out regarding the 2027 International Horticultural Expo Environmental Impact Assessment Preparation Document [Secretariat Document] (PDF: 569KB)
  4. Document 2 List of items to be considered regarding the 2027 International Horticultural Expo Environmental Impact Assessment Preparation Document [Secretariat Document] (PDF: 201KB)
Minutes Minutes of the 2nd Examination Committee (PDF: 260KB)
The 1st Yokohama City Environmental Impact Assessment Examination Committee
Date of the event

From 13:30 to 15:28 on Monday, April 22, 2024


Yokohama City Hall 18th floor Minato 1.2.3

Agenda item
  1. About the 2027 International Horticultural Expo Environmental Impact Assessment Preparation Document
  1. (PDF: 100KB)
  2. Seat chart (PDF: 205KB)
  3. Document 1 List of points to be pointed out regarding the 2027 International Horticultural Expo Environmental Impact Assessment Preparation Document [Secretariat Document] (PDF: 543KB)
  4. Document 2 Supplementary materials on the 2027 International Horticultural Expo Environmental Impact Assessment Preparation Document [Business Data] (PDF: 1,780KB)
Minutes Minutes of the 1st Examination Committee (PDF: 361KB)

Please note that the posted materials are as of the time of the examination committee, and some have changed in the examination process or the process of business progress. . In addition, each material is protected by copyright law. Please note that unauthorized use, reproduction, secondary use, etc. are prohibited. . (In addition, some materials may not be able to download or print files due to the circumstances of the business.)

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Environmental Impact Assessment Division, Environmental Conservation Department, Green Environment Bureau

Telephone: 045-671-2495

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Page ID: 765-074-953


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