

Here's the text.

2-(7) Basic Survey on Non-Profit Organizations in FY2015

Last Updated February 27, 2025

Purpose of the Survey

Three years have passed since Motoichi became the competent agency of a non-profit organization, and during that time, various NPO corporations have been active.
November 25, 2015, as a basic document for examining the Motoichi measures necessary to continue and develop the activities of NPO corporations, a questionnaire survey was conducted to grasp the current status of the activities, operation status, issues, etc. of the corporation. Held from December 25 to December 25.

Results of the survey

Survey Report

Reports and batch downloads

Report and Split Download

Open data

In Motoichi, we release open data in "CSV format" so that anyone can utilize the survey results for tabulation and analysis from various viewpoints. Please check the following terms and conditions before using.

Survey report data (CSV: 247KB)


  • Items that are displayed as [non-public], such as corporate names, street names and addresses at the location of the main office, are not disclosed.
  • "Q6 Do you cooperate or cooperate with other organizations in your activities? Please circle all applicable items. The answer to "14 Others" in the option "14 Others" is not disclosed because it included the answer with a specific corporate name. Thank you for your understanding.
  • In addition, amendments have been made as appropriate for details that are judged to be unsuitable for disclosure, such as descriptions that can be identified by corporations and individuals.

※Conditions of use

The copyrighted works posted on the page of this site "Basic Survey on Non-Profit Organizations 2015" are provided under Creative Commons Attribution 2.1 Japan License CC BY Indication (displaying credits for works). I do.

The posted data can also be used for secondary use (modification) for commercial purposes. You can create a secondary copyrighted work based on the posted data, but if you edit or process it, specify "Source: OPEN DATA Basic Survey on Non-Profit Organizations 2015" and edit and process it Please state that you have done it and announce it.

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