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A catalog of school anniversary commemorative magazines held by Sakae Library

Last Updated March 28, 2024

The Sakae Library collects school anniversary magazines for elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and special needs schools in Sakae Ward.
The school anniversary commemorative magazine is a valuable resource that allows you to learn about the history of the region. Please take advantage of it.

This list is a list of school anniversary commemorative magazines held at Sakae Library as of March 2024. For the latest status and the status of holdings at other libraries, please search by title or author on the online catalog page.
Also, if you have a Sakae Ward school anniversary magazine at your home, please donate it.

Elementary school   Junior high school   High school   Special Needs School

Iijima Elementary School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

30th Anniversary Magazine

30th Anniversary Magazine Steering Committee of Iijima Elementary School


History of Iijima

Iijima Elementary School 30th Anniversary Commemorative Project “History of Iijima” Editorial Committee


Magazine commemorating the 50th anniversary of the founding of Iijima Elementary School in YokohamaYokohama City Iijima Elementary School 50th Anniversary Commemorative Project Commemorative Magazine Subcommittee2018

Kasama Elementary School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

Kasama's 5th Anniversary Commemorative Magazine

Kasama Elementary School, Yokohama City


10th Anniversary Magazine

Kasama Elementary School, Yokohama City


20th Anniversary Magazine

Kasama Elementary School, Yokohama City


Our town KASAMA 2000

Yokohama City Kasama Elementary School 20th Anniversary Learning Materials Editorial Committee


 Katsuradai Elementary School
 As of March 2024, there are no holdings.
 If you have a commemorative magazine for Katsuradai Elementary School, please donate it.

Kamigo Elementary School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

10th Anniversary Magazine Kamigo

Yokohama Municipal Kamigo Elementary School


Kamigo Minami Elementary School (closed in March 2006 → Integration with Shodo Elementary School
TitleAuthorYear of publication
Kamigo Minami 10th Anniversary Commemorative MagazineKamigo Minami Elementary School, Yokohama City1988

Koda Elementary School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

Our Koda [5th Anniversary Magazine]

Koda Elementary School, Yokohama City


Kuden's 10th Anniversary Magazine

Koda Elementary School, Yokohama City


Our 10th anniversary of the founding of Koda

Koda Elementary School, Yokohama City


Our 20th Anniversary Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of Koda

Koda Elementary School, Yokohama City


Kuden's 20th Anniversary Magazine

Koda Elementary School, Yokohama City


40th Anniversary MagazineKoda Elementary School, Yokohama City2016

Kosugaya Elementary School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

A magazine commemorating the 10th anniversary of our town

Yokohama City Kosugaya Elementary School 10th Anniversary Magazine Editorial Committee


Kosugaya 20th Anniversary Magazine

Yokohama Municipal Kosugaya Elementary School 20th Anniversary Business Executive Committee


Kosugaya 30th Anniversary Magazine

Yokohama City Kosugaya Elementary School 30th Anniversary Commemorative Project Executive Committee


Koyamadai Elementary School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

5th Anniversary Magazine

Yokohama Municipal Koyamadai Elementary School


Sakurai Elementary School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

Sakurai's 10th Anniversary Commemorative Magazine

Yokohama City Sakurai Elementary School 10th Anniversary Magazine Editorial Committee


Sakurai's 20th Anniversary Commemorative Magazine

20th Anniversary Magazine Subcommittee


Sakurai's 30th Anniversary Commemorative Magazine

[Sakurai Elementary School, Yokohama City]


Shodo Elementary School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

Magazine commemorating the 10th anniversary of Shodo Elementary School in Yokohama

Shodo Elementary School, Yokohama City


Senshu Elementary School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

A magazine commemorating the 100th anniversary of Chishu's Ayumi

Preparatory Committee for the 100th Anniversary of Chishu Elementary School in Yokohama City


100 years further 100 years 100 years 100 years 10th anniversary magazine

Chishu Elementary School, Yokohama City


A magazine commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of Senshu

120th Anniversary Magazine Editorial Committee


Toyoda Elementary School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

Toyoda 100th Anniversary Magazine

Commemorative Magazine Editorial Committee


It's our town

Yokohama Municipal Toyoda Elementary School


Nishihongo Elementary School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

[Nishihongo Elementary School, Yokohama City] 25th Anniversary Magazine

Nishihongo Elementary School, Yokohama City


[Nishihongo Elementary School, Yokohama City] 30th Anniversary Magazine

[Yokohama Municipal Nishihongo Elementary School] 30th Anniversary Commemorative Magazine Committee


The 50th Anniversary Magazine of Nihongo

Nishihongo Elementary School, Yokohama City


Hongo Elementary School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

Hometown of the Heart, Hongo Elementary School

90th Anniversary Project Executive Committee of Hongo Elementary School


Hongo Hongo Elementary School 100th Anniversary Magazine

100th Anniversary Magazine Editorial Committee


120th Anniversary of the Shining Hongo

Yokohama Municipal Hongo Elementary School 120th Anniversary Commemorative Project Executive Committee


Hongodai Elementary School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

20th Anniversary Magazine

20th Anniversary Magazine Committee


30th anniversary magazine of Kagayaki Hongodai Elementary School

Hongodai Elementary School (Yokohama City) 30th Anniversary Commemorative Project Commemorative Magazine Subcommittee


40th Anniversary Magazine Connected 40 [Hongodai Elementary School 40th Anniversary Magazine]

40th Anniversary Commemorative Project Commemorative Magazine Subcommittee


Iijima Junior High School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

10th Anniversary Magazine of Tonogaya Hill

Yokohama Municipal Iijima Junior High School


Magazine commemorating the 20th anniversary of IIJIMA Yokohama Municipal Iijima Junior High School

20th Anniversary Magazine Editorial Committee


I30-Ai 30-30th Anniversary Magazine

Yokohama Municipal Iijima Junior High School


Katsuradainaka School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

A magazine commemorating the tenth anniversary of Katsuradai Junior High School in Yokohama

10th anniversary commemorative event commemorative magazine committee of Katsuradainaka School in Yokohama City


A magazine commemorating the 20th anniversary of young eyes

Katsuradainaka School of Yokohama City


A young man
Katsuradai 30th aniversary commemoration

Yokohama City Katsuradainaka School 30th Anniversary Commemorative Project Executive Committee


 Kamigo Junior High School
 As of March 2024, there are no holdings.
 If you have a commemorative magazine for Kamigo Junior High School, please donate it.

Koyamadai Junior High School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

20th Anniversary Magazine of Koyamadai Junior High School

20th Anniversary Magazine Committee of Yokohama Municipal Koyamadai Junior High School


Nishihongo Junior High School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

30th Anniversary Commemorative Yokohama Municipal Nishihongo Junior High School

Nishihongo Junior High School, Yokohama City


Hongo Junior High School
TitleAuthorYear of publication

Hongo 50th Anniversary Magazine

Editorial Committee of the School Magazine "Hongo"


70th Anniversary of Yokohama City Hongo Junior High School November 23, 2017Yokohama Municipal Hongo Junior High School2017
Hongo 70th Anniversary Commemorative MagazineEditorial Committee of the School Magazine "Hongo"2018

 Yamate Gakuin Junior High School
 Please refer to Yamate Gakuin High School.

Shodo Junior High School (closed in March 2015 → integrated with Kamigo Junior High School)
TitleAuthorYear of publication

Shodo's 10th Anniversary Magazine

Yokohama City Shodo Junior High School


Shodo's 20th Anniversary Magazine

Yokohama City Shodo Junior High School


Magazine commemorating the 30th anniversary of the founding of Shodo Junior High School in Yokohama

Yokohama City Shodo Junior High School


Kanai High School
TitleAuthorYear of publication
[Shu] Toshinoho Kanagawa Prefectural Kanai High School 40th Anniversary MagazineKanagawa Prefectural Kanai High School2015

Kashiyo High School
TitleAuthorYear of publication
30th Anniversary Magazine KashiyoKanagawa Prefectural Kashiyo High School1997
50th Anniversary Magazine KashiyoKanagawa Prefectural Kashiyo High School2017

Yamate Gakuin High School
TitleAuthorYear of publication
50th Anniversary YAMATE 2016 50th Anniversary MagazineYamate Gakuin 50th Anniversary Committee/Edited〔2016〕

 Yokohama Sakae High School
 As of March 2024, there are no holdings.
 If you have a commemorative magazine for Yokohama Sakae High School, please donate it.

Kamigo High School (restructured and integrated with Konandai High School (Konan Ward) in 2009 and opened as Yokohama Sakae High School (Sakae Ward)).
TitleAuthorYear of publication
10th Anniversary Magazine Seseragi FureaiKanagawa Prefectural Kamigo High School1993

Toyoda High School (restructured and integrated with Gumizawa High School (Totsuka Ward) in 2003 and opened as Sakurayo High School (Totsuka Ward)).
TitleAuthorYear of publication
Toyoda Ten Years History Kanagawa Prefectural Toyoda High School Tenth Anniversary Magazine 1989Kanagawa Prefectural Toyoda High School 10th Anniversary Magazine Editorial Committee1989
Toyoda 20 Years History 1999 Kanagawa Prefectural Toyoda High School 20th Anniversary Magazine 1999Kanagawa Prefectural Toyoda High School 20th Anniversary Executive Committee1999

 Hongo Special Needs School
 As of March 2024, there are no holdings.
 If you have a magazine commemorating the anniversary of the Hongo Special Needs School, please donate it.

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