

Here's the text.

About the history of Yokohama

Last Updated February 9, 2024

For more information about the history of Yokohama, please refer to the following document.

"History of Yokohama"
City of Yokohama, Civic Affairs Bureau Public Relations Center, April 1989, 447, A4 size:


Detailed table of contents

  • Chapter 1 Yokohama, a long time ago (Pre-Earth-Heian period to Heian period)
    • Pre-Earthware Age
      • The people who opened up the history of Yokohama
        • A romance that swells with new discoveries
        • Surviving the harsh nature
        • Primitive family body of direct blood
        • The wisdom of living gave birth to stoneware
        • Illustration: Chasing a Naumaman elephant on a grassland
        • Illustration: Knife-shaped stoneware and spear tiptoe (in Kohoku New Town)
        • Illustration: Gravels (Kohoku Ward Gondahara Site)
    • Jomon period
      • The appearance of earthenware and bow and arrow
        • Changes in nature have created tools
        • The oldest pottery and the life of the time
        • People who lived in a transitional period
        • Illustration: The oldest Jomon pottery (Hanamiyama archeological site in Midori Ward)
        • Illustration: Stoneware at Hanamiyama Ruins
      • Shell mounds are made
        • “Jomon Kaishin” and shell mound formation
        • Shell Mound in the early Jomon period
        • Decreased shell mounds and changes in topography
        • Illustration: Pottery in the shell layer (Chigasaki Kaizuka, Kohoku-ku)
        • Illustration: Shells dumped on the slope (Chigasaki Kaizuka, Kohoku-ku)
        • Illustration: Sea of Jomon
      • Beginning of the unevenness consisting of pit dwellings
        • Primitive and ancient houses
        • Two types of early settlement
        • Appearance of routine settlements
        • Illustration: Early settlement (Sannoharakami Ruins, Midori-ku)
        • Illustration: Pit dwellings without a furnace (Sannoharakami Site, Midori Ward)
        • Illustration: Outdoor furnace hole (Kohoku Ward Gonda Hara Site)
      • A standard settlement from the Jomon period
        • Dug unevenness of shell mound
        • What the central square means
        • Development of routine settlements
        • The city's largest Jomon unevenness
        • Illustration: A wooden path that crosses wetlands (Koumedani archeological site in Kohoku-ku)
        • Illustration: Late settlement (Midori Ward Komaru Ruins)
        • Illustration: A communal cemetery in Mura (Chigasaki Kaizuka, Kohoku-ku)
      • Food for which the blessings of nature live
        • Labor sharing of labor between men and women
        • Processing and storage of vegetable food
        • Development of fishing activities shown by open-air fish bones
        • Increased efficiency with the advent of fishing nets
        • The bow and arrows and hounds essential for hunting
        • A small group in the early Jomon period
        • Contradiction between hunting development and gathering economy
        • Illustration: Stone plate, rubbing stone, hollow stone (in Kohoku New Town)
        • Illustration: Drilling tools (in Kohoku New Town)
        • Illustration: Jomon tree nuts (Koumedani archeological site, Kohoku-ku)
        • Illustration: Fishing net weight (Okuma Nakacho Site, Midori Ward)
        • Illustration: Reconstructed image
        • Illustration: Ooshire (Kohoku Ward Gonda Hara Site)
        • Illustration: Bone angle fishing gear (Shomeiji Kaizuka, Kanazawa-ku)
        • Illustration: Stone arrowheads (in Kohoku New Town)
    • Yayoi period
      • Mullness and Cemetery surrounded by a bunker
        • Is the first resident? Pioneer group
        • Houses and warehouses of various sizes
        • Bunkers and earthworks that have also been defended
        • Cemetery of Otsuka Archeological Site - Toshikatsu Site―
        • Illustration: Otsuka archeological site seen from the sky
        • Illustration: Two old and new bunkers
        • Illustration: Seen from the sky.
        • Illustration: Square tomb
      • Cultivation of rice, wheat, and other grains
        • Paddy field development is a planned major business
        • Improvement of cultivated land cultivation technology
        • Rice yield, current 1/5
        • Illustration: Autumn harvest
        • Illustration: Rice from the Yayoi period
      • The emergence of various living tools
        • Wisdom to use stoneware
        • The extinction of stoneware and the spread of ironware
        • Diversification of agricultural tools = occurrence of class society
        • Illustration: Stone tools
        • Illustration: Various polished stoneware
        • Illustration: Plate-shaped iron ax
        • Illustration: Wooden farming tools
      • Characteristics of local communities seen in late Yayoi pottery
        • The emergence of unique earthenware
        • Integration of villages = formation of society
        • Illustration: Distribution of archaeological sites in the late Yayoi period and pottery-style distribution area
        • Illustration: Mid-term Pottery of Yayoi period Miyanodai ceremony (Otsuka archeological site)
        • Illustration: Pottery from the Yayoi period late Asako Terahara ceremony (Asamitsu Terahara archeological site)
        • Illustration: Pottery of Yayoi period Kugahara style (Urashimagaoka archeological site)
    • Kofun period
      • Appearance of Burial Mounds
        • It will be built in a place with a good view.
        • Concentration at key points of transportation
        • Illustration: The main burial mound of Takeshi Minami
        • Illustration: Inari-mae Burial Mounds (Oba-cho, Midori-ku) built between 4 and 6 XX AD
        • Illustration: Haniwa pot excavated from Inari-mae No.16 tomb
        • Illustration: Triangular edge beast mirror excavated from Kase Hakusan Tumulus
      • A warrior wearing armor
        • As a former soldier of the Kinki administration
        • Survive a tough fight
        • A symbol of the hero's era, armor
        • Illustration: Imagine image of a warrior from the Kofun period
        • Illustration: Armor from the latter half of the 5th century excavated from the Chokojihara No. 1 Kofun
        • Illustration: Harnesses from the Kofun period
      • Various types of haniwa seen in Setogaya Kofun
        • One of the best tombs in the city
        • A number of valuable discoveries
        • Wishing in a haniwa
        • Illustration: Reconstructed image of Setogaya Kofun
        • Illustration: Haniwa hat
        • Illustration: Haniwa sword
        • Illustration: Haniwa family
        • Illustration: Haniwa lig
        • Illustration: Haniwa boy's statue
      • Side hole type stone room and side cave tomb
        • Side hole type stone room
        • Saragara "Apartment of Grave"
        • The situation at the time of the haniwa conveyed
        • Illustration: Panoramic view of Ichigao Yokoana Tomb Group A
        • Illustration: Side hole type stone room and side cave tomb
        • Illustration: Side hole type stone room and side cave tomb
      • Mura and Cemetery of the Kofun Period
        • Appearance of Kamado and Sueki
        • Development of Mura
        • A group of graves showing a dramatic increase in development
        • Illustration: Pit dwellings at Yazakiyama Site
        • Illustration: The Kitchen Revolution of the Kofun Period
        • Illustration: Hajiki and Sueki
        • Illustration: Panoramic view of Yazakiyama Yokoana Tomb Group
      • Side hole and steelmaking in the Itagawa basin
        • The Yokoana Burial Mound
        • Kajigaya style with many distinctive features
        • Large-scale steel mills
        • Illustration: Around the site of the steelworks and the ruins of Tatara
        • Illustration: State of Steelmaking
        • Illustration: Distribution map of horizontal hole group in Hongo district (Otagawa basin)
    • Nara and Heian period
      • Tsuzuki-gun government office
        • Musashi Country and Tsuzuki-gun
        • Overview of the county government office
        • Illustration: Chojabaru archeological site (Tsuzuki-gun government office) Estimated reconstruction map
        • Illustration: Location of Chojabaru Archeological Site (Tsuzuki County Office)
        • Illustration: "Tokyo" and "Chiku" cut by tiles
      • Crematorium
        • Cremation style at that time
        • The people sleeping in the crematorium
        • Illustration: Distribution of ancient crematoriums in northern Yokohama
        • Illustration: The distant view and interior of the tomb of Taan Manro
        • Illustration: Excavation of Nishinoya Kaizuka cremation skeletal skeletons
      • The site of the mystery square building
        • Discovery of the site of the square building
        • A part of Tsuzuki's development
        • Illustration: An estimated reconstructed map of the site of the Shingakushi Maruyama Site
        • Illustration: The whole view of the Heian period building site at Shingakushi Maruyama Site
        • Hajiki from the Shingaku Maruyama archeological site
      • Distribution map of primitive and ancient sites
  • Chapter 2 People who lived in the era of turbulence (Kamakura period to Sengoku period)
    • The opening of the Middle Ages
      • The people of Kuraki County Office and Bessho
        • Establishment of a national village system
        • Remnants of land systems during the Heian and Kamakura periods
        • Development of "public roads" for administrative communication
        • Illustration: Musashi National Tax Office Miscellaneous Goods
        • Illustration: Old photograph of Hiroaki
        • Illustration: The eleven-faced Kannon statue at Hiroaki
      • The ups and downs of Haitani Mikuri and Mr.
        • The manor of the shrine "Mikuri"
        • Shigeasa Haritani, who lived a life of unlucky
        • Remains of the place name "Hangaya"
        • Illustration: Obusuma Saburo
        • Illustration: Shinmeisha in Kobe-cho
      • Hogen Rebellion and the Warriors of Yokohama
        • Significance of historical significance
        • Illustration: Picture scroll of Heiji
      • Mr. Yoritomo Minamoto and Mr. Iida
        • Genji aiming to show off his ability
        • The relationship between Genji and Iida, which has many mysteries
        • The dispute is triggered by the territory of conservation
        • Illustration: Picture scroll of Heiji
        • Illustration: Monument at the site of Iida Castle
        • Illustration: A distant view of the ruins of Iida Castle
        • Illustration: Sama Shrine in Shimoiida-cho
        • Illustration: Sabo Shrine in Izumi-cho
      • Appendix: City area map of Kamakura period
    • Takeshi Kamakura and Yokohama
      • The soldiers of Yoritomo and the patron of Yokohama
        • The uprising of Yoritomo and the warrior of Eastern Country
        • The birth of the family of "Gai-on" and "Support"
        • Illustration: Genpei Battle Figure Screen
        • Illustration: The statue of Yoritomo Minamoto
      • Shigetada Hatakeyama Death in Futamatagawa
        • Appointment that incorporates influence into calculation
        • Shigetada Hatakeyama, who was destroyed by a conspiracy
        • Illustration: Wada battle figure folding screen
        • Illustration: Armor of the Kamakura period
        • Illustration: The land of the death of Denjuchu
      • Mr. Hirako and the dominance of Yokohama
        • Mr. Hirako, who was a clan of Miura.
        • To be a former soldier in Musashi Country
        • Mr. Hirako's subsequent
        • Illustration: Equestrian picture scroll
        • Illustration: Statue of Yoshiaki Miura
        • Illustration: Hirako's genealogy
        • Illustration: Bishamon statue
      • Development of Kamakura Shogunate and Yokohama
        • The rise of Mr. Hojo
        • Land development to win the power struggle
        • Illustration: Development Zone of the Shogunate
        • Illustration: Statue of Tokiyori Hojo
        • Illustration: Musashi Government Office Site
      • Mongolian Invasion and Tojoji Temple
        • The attitude of the Shogunate induced an attack
        • Tojoji Temple, a place for peace and exchange
        • Illustration: Mongolian invasion picture
        • Illustration: Poetry board of Tojoji
        • Illustration: Scenery of Tojoji Temple
      • Shobodaiji Temple and Yoshitoki Hojo
        • The famous temple, Shobodaiji Temple
        • Under the direct control of Mr. Hojo
        • At Ashikaga's prayer temple
        • Illustration: Statue of Amida
        • Illustration: Shobodaiji Temple
        • Illustration: Nagasaki Kozuna letter
      • Exchange between Kanazawabunko and Takeshi Kamakura
        • Addresses divided by status
        • Illustration: Hojo Mikito statue
        • Illustration: Shomeiji Garden
        • Illustration: Azuma Kagami 1244 Notes
      • Japan-U.S. Trade and Rokupoura
        • Colorful import and export goods
        • Rokuura has become important with the times.
        • Illustration: Soong Ship Recovery Map
        • Illustration: Draft Order for Shipping
        • Illustration: The distant view of Kanazawa from Nomi-do
        • Illustration: Asahina Kiridoshi
      • Appendix: City area map of the North and South Dynasties
    • Life of the People in the Muromachi Period
      • Mr. Hojo's destruction and the lord of Yokohama
        • The fierce battle that monks lamented and the transformation of the world
        • Confrontation between temples over ownership
        • Illustration: Image of Emperor Godaigo
        • Illustration: A sight of Tomioka Hachiman Miyanoura
      • The world of Yokohama in the North and South Dynasties in the picture
        • An old Tsurumi will be revived
        • The vibrancy and events of the village
        • Illustration: Tsurumi Terao Map
        • Illustration: Tsurumi Shrine Field Festival
      • Utsumi Kotsu and Yokohama
        • Outer port of Kamakura, Rikuura Minato
        • The subject of control of the powers
        • Illustration: Boat transport in the Kamakura period
        • Illustration: Shomei-ji Temple and Rokuura
        • Illustration: Distribution of goods in Edo Bay in the Middle Ages
      • Prices of goods and people's lives
        • Value of "Three sentences"
        • The amount of firewood and one red bean shochu are almost the same.
        • Expense oil, grave
        • Illustration: Ippen Holy Picture
        • Illustration: Namamugi Market
      • Rokuura, Minatomachi in the Middle Ages
        • Rokuura, an intersection of people and culture
        • The religion of the times when it was prosperous
        • Origin of the place name "moving"
        • Illustration: Nojima Yusho
        • Illustration: The sight of Kanazawa's distant view -
        • Illustration: Judge Oguri and Teruten
      • Michio Ota and Kozuki Castle
        • The trigger of the battle is a turmoil.
        • Doo Ota, a quick look
        • Illustration: Hill of Kozuku Castle Ruins
        • Illustration: Statue of Osamu Ota
        • Illustration: Prohibition of Michio Ota
    • Village of the Gohojo period
      • Mr. Kira of Maita
        • The ancestor of the Roshi Akaho Roshi
        • Military Points of Military: Makita Castle
        • Mr. Kira, who supported Mr. Gohojo
        • Illustration: Maita Castle Ruins
        • Illustration: The Great Wall Street View - Kanagawa Map
        • Illustration: Near the old mouth of the Okagawa River
      • The Tsurumi River basin, which is frustrating
        • Tsurumi River, which was the "Abare River"
        • The villagers who were forced to struggle
        • Throw away the village and run away
        • Illustration: Cemetery of Nobutame Kasahara in Yukishoin
        • Illustration: Scenes of Tsurumi River
        • Illustration: Mr. Hojo's red seal
      • Recruitment to rural villages in the Okagawa basin
        • The Ooka River that created a rich area
        • Strict Inspection and Recovery
        • The men of the village who were recruited in the distance
        • Illustration: Ookagawa River flows near Kaminakazato Town
        • Illustration: Around Kamiooka in the middle of the Okagawa River
        • Illustration: Mr. Gohojo's tiger seal
      • Appendix: List of Village Names of Warring States Period (Odawara Shosho)
      • Construction of Kasuga Shrine and local people
        • Hinogo, a key point in Kamakura
        • Relationship between the shrine and the people seen in the building bill
        • Village control and construction of a shrine
        • Illustration: Enoshima Enki picture scroll
        • Illustration: Kasuga Shrine (Hinocho, Konan-ku)
        • Illustration: The temple of Kasuga Shrine
      • Mr. Mamiya and Sasashita Castle
        • Mr. Mamiya, a valor
        • Build a castle based in Sasashita
        • The rise and fall of the Mamiya clan
        • Illustration: Battle of Kanagawa Gongenyama Castle ("Kanagawa Sunako")
        • Illustration: After Sasashita Castle
        • Illustration: Myoho-ji Temple
      • Maritime defense of Edo Bay
        • The battle of the sea
        • Money-folded navy
        • The descendants of the Navy who became farmers and fishermen
        • Based on the base of Gohojo and Satomi Navy and the current assumption of Edo Bay
        • Illustration: Sugi Taura of the late Meiji era
        • Illustration: Tamanawa Castle Ruins
        • Illustration: The red seal of Yoshiyori Satomi
      • Appendix: City area map of the Warring States Period
  • Chapter 3 The World and People of the Era of Japan (Edo period)
    • Edo Shogunate and Yokohama
      • Ieyasu entered Edo and Daimyo, Hagimoto and Daimyo, Hagimoto, Daikan
        • MUFG and Co-payment
        • Control of the Chief
        • Lords of the city
        • Gohojo to the Flag Book
        • The indigenousness of Gohojo
        • Expansion of the flagship territory
        • Illustration: Edo townhouse construction
        • Illustration: A flagship camp
        • Illustration: The territories of the early modern era
        • Illustration: Job system of the Edo Shogunate
        • Illustration: Structure of the feudal clan system
      • Prosecution and annual tribute
        • Villages in the city area
        • Inspection of land
        • Tribute
        • Nagata Village's annual contribution letter
        • Illustration: Diagram of geological survey
        • Illustration: Nagata Village's annual contribution letter
      • Development of the aortic Tokaido
        • Development of the Tokaido Highway
        • One of the leading post stations on the Tokaido
        • Illustration: Tokaido 53 station picture book, Tozuka-juku
        • Illustration: Red seal
      • Dean and Muramura
        • Under the direct control of the Shogunate and the representative
        • The duties of a wide range of representatives
        • Illustration: Reconstructed image of Daikan mansion
        • Illustration: Illustration picture of Bakurocho
        • Illustration: The place under the control of the representative
      • Kanto Executive Officer and Yoriba Association
        • Upset in Kanto rural areas
        • Executive Officers and Union Village
        • Tenpo era famine and eighteen crackdown
        • Watching guards and Farmers
        • Illustration: Foreign nationals and criminals around the city
        • Illustration: Signboard of the watchman
        • Illustration: Catching tools
      • Mr. Yonekura and the Kanazawa Domain
        • From Takeda's vassal to Fudai Daimyo
        • The Shogunate and Mr. Yonekura
        • Illustration: Red sealed letter
        • Illustration: Mr. Yonekura's Jinya
        • Illustration: Mr. Yonekura's genealogy
        • Illustration: Distribution of Mr. Yonekura’s territory
      • Flagship and Rural Village
        • Poverty of the flagship and the loss of authority
        • The Meiji Restoration and the fall of the flagship
        • Illustration: The position of the flagship and Edo-Yashiki that ruled Yokohama
        • Illustration: The Suzuki family of Shimo-Sugeta village where he was in need.
        • Illustration: Sales Certificate
        • Illustration: Letter by Masacho Sakayori
        • Illustration: The present Suzuki family that retains its old image
    • Life of Villages and post offices
      • Minato and the ship
        • Development of Minato
        • The Shogunate and the Shipping Business
        • Illustration: Five Great Power Ship
        • Illustration: Minato and the movement of things in the city area
        • Illustration: Riverbank
        • Illustration: Kanagawa's post office and Minato
        • Illustration: Kanagawa-juku and cruise ship
        • Illustration: Eight Views of Kanazawa
      • Fishery in Yokohama
        • Half-farming and half-fish
        • Poverty of fishermen
        • Frequent distress accidents
        • Illustration: Fishing gear and fishing methods of the Edo period
        • Illustration: Three boats
        • Illustration: Cage net
        • Illustration: Kakizara
        • Illustration: White fish net
      • Distribution of fish
        • Nihonbashi Fish Wholesale Stores and Fishermen
        • Seafoods exported to China
        • Illustration: The fish market in Nihonbashi
        • Illustration: Iriko production
      • Kanagawa-juku seen in Sunako, Kanagawa
        • Illustration: Tokaido Bunma Nobuma
        • Illustration: "Ameya" in Jubancho, Kanagawa-cho
        • Illustration: Shingon sect Kinzoin, Kubancho and Jubancho
        • Illustration: Iidacho is located at the point that turns northwest of Tokaido.
        • Illustration: Kodemmacho and Shingi Shingon Buddhism Kichijoji
        • Illustration: A wholesaler in Kanagawa-juku
        • Illustration: Nakanomachi
        • Illustration: Honjin in the West Town
        • Illustration: Around Takino River
        • Illustration: Honjin in Aokicho
        • Illustration: Guardian of Kanagawa-juku
        • Illustration: Around Fumonji Shingon sect Fumonji
        • Illustration: The scenery of Hodogaya-juku in the late Edo period
      • Scenery and Residents
        • Post offices as a base for transportation and distribution
        • Illustration: Composition of residents of Kobe Town
        • Illustration: Occupational composition of Kobe-cho (1870)
      • Various aspects of travel
        • A highway bustling with common people's religion
        • Relaxing, luxurious journey
        • Illustration: Journey of the common people
        • Illustration: There are mountain baskets waiting for customers along the roadside.
        • Illustration: A horseman waiting for a rider
        • Illustration: Faith and Journey
        • Illustration: Prosperity of Hatagoya
        • Illustration: Iimori Hatago
        • Illustration: Travel essentials
        • Illustration: Early modern Yokohama Traffic Map
      • Village landscape
        • The history of the area where the village picture describes
        • Illustration: Reconstructed landscape map of Kamiiida Village (Izumi Ward)
        • Illustration: Current area of Kamiiida Village
      • Life of farmers at the end of the Tokugawa period
        • People from the Sekiguchi family of raw wheat village
        • Annual income of more than one hundred
        • Luxurious life
        • Strict education
        • Illustration: Sekiguchi's diary
        • Illustration: Toemon's grandfather, Fujiemon
        • Illustration: Drug advertising
        • Illustration: Takayuki Moe grass
      • "Four Seasons Cultivation Map" and Farmers
        • Farmers who lived strong
        • Illustration: Aizu Agricultural Spring Autumn Map
    • The world at the end of the Tokugawa period seen in the Master's Diary.
      • A black ship
        • "Kurofune viewing" is popular
        • Residents are more friendly.
        • Illustration: The people who see the black ship
      • Opening of the port and the transformation of the villagers
        • Villagers who entered Yokohama
        • Exchange between people and goods that become popular
        • Illustration: Trademark Office
      • Turbulence of the late Tokugawa period and residents
        • The ripples of raw wheat that spread ripples
        • Conquest of Choshu and Burdens of Residents
        • Illustration: Shogunate army to conquest Choshu
        • Illustration: Shogunate army heading for the conquest of Choshu
        • Illustration: The scene of the raw wheat incident
        • Illustration: Payment of compensation for raw wheat cases
      • Village case book
        • Price rise and hunger
        • Population inflow and deterioration of security
        • Epidemic of infectious diseases
        • Illustration: Edo's burst
        • Illustration: Fujisawa-juku at the end of the Tokugawa period
        • Illustration: State of application
      • "The kingdom of the monarchy"
        • Rawberry Village welcomes the "Women's Government"
        • I'm confused by last name and name change
        • Illustration: Eastern expeditions heading to Edo
        • Illustration: Shimoyashiki of Satsuma Domain in Shiba Takanawa
        • Illustration: Going on the Tokaido
        • Illustration: Yokohama during the Boshin War
  • Chapter 4: Lively of the Opening Port (Yokohama Opening - Promulgation of the Constitution)
    • Kurofune and Port Opening
      • Blackboard picture scroll and tile plate
      • Yokohamamura the night before the opening of the port
      • Harris and Trade Treaty
      • Foreign Death and British Diplomatic Corps
      • France and Yokohama
    • Construction of an opening port, Yokohama
      • Construction of an opening port and a local master
      • The light and shadow of the opening port
      • Kannai and Kangai
    • Start of trade and domestic and foreign traders
      • Start of foreign trade
      • Jardine Massesson Shokai
      • A foreign trading company born in Yokohama
      • Merchandise and collectors
      • Leongo Raw Silk Deposit Case
    • Various aspects of foreign settlement
      • Establishment of trade and settlement
      • Architecture of settlement
      • Residual industry
      • What the missionary brings
      • Newspapers and photographs
      • Settlements and British garrisons
    • Civilization and freedom of civil rights
      • From Keio to Meiji
      • The front and back of civilization
      • “National People's Rights”
      • Gyeongsha and speech
    • Hometown of the Meiji Constitution
    • The people of the Meiji era seen by Bigau
      • Opening of Railways
  • Chapter 5 Birth of Yokohama City (Municipal Government Enforcement - World War I)
    • Municipal organization enforcement and Yokohama Politics
      • The birth of “Yokohama”
      • Treaty Amendment and Yokohama
    • Formation of reformers
    • To “Yokohama of the World”
      • Building a foundation for international port
      • Overseas routes and port development
      • From gaisho to in-house business
      • 50 Years of opening
    • The age of the city
      • Russo-Japanese War and Citizens
      • Three Yokohama
      • Modern architecture that emits light.
      • Taisho Democracy and Yokohama
      • World War II and the Great Depression
      • Spreading sports fever
      • Rural villages near Yokohama
  • Chapter 6 Earthquake Reconstruction and Wars (Great Kanto Earthquake - World War II)
    • Earthquake and reconstruction
      • After the earthquake disaster
      • Creating a new city
      • Construction of the Reconstruction Period
    • Heavy Industries and Dai-Yokohama
      • Landfill and harbor railway
      • Heavy Industries and Workers
      • The appearance of a luxury cruise ship
      • From raw silk trade port to industrial port
      • Terminal station Yokohama
      • “O Yokohama” and New Citizens
    • Age of the masses
      • The wave of the financial crisis
      • Overflowing unemployed
      • Blue color and white collar
      • Children who live strong
      • Modernism and its shadow
      • Yokohama, who nurtured popular literature
    • Wars and air raids
      • From the general election to the support system
      • Era of munitions
      • Life during the war
      • War and Foreigners
      • Yokohama Air Raid
  • Chapter 7 From scorched earth to 3 million cities (Warning to Contemporary)
    • Employment, requisition and reconstruction
      • Transfer and requisition of the Occupation Forces
      • Yokohama of Apre
      • From postwar reform to “reverse course”
      • Receiving release rate 67%
      • The rise and fall of Yokohama Scarves
    • Light and Shadow of High Growth
      • Comprehensive use of land and water
      • Changing rural areas and coastline
      • Urban Issues and Civil Movement
      • From housing complex to New Town
    • Changing Minato Yokohama
      • Hikawa Maru's retirement
      • From the cargo ship to the Bay Bridge
      • Yokohama Station has entered a new era
      • Minato yoma
    • Issues of Thousands of Citizens
  • Modern Photographs: 1989 Yokohamajin and the City
  • List of literature and collaborators
  • List of authors
  • Appendix [Yokohama City Area Map]

To the page of the postcard "Yokohama's Memory"

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