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From the library shelves

The 23rd of every month is "Citizen's Reading Day", and every November is "Citizen's Reading Activity Promotion Month". Librarians from each library introduce books owned by Yokohama City Library.

Last Updated June 23, 2024

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A simple and delicious first recipe letter

Title: Easy and delicious first recipe (textbook for kitchens from 10 years old)
Author name: Norie Sasamori / Culinary supervision, NHK Publishing / Editing
Issuer: NHK Publishing
Year of publication: 2020

Don't you think it would be great if you make rice or side dishes yourself?
Explains the basics of cooking from scratch, from simple to single dishes. Careful photos are easy to understand, and even beginners can feel safe. Now, let's try it!
This is a series of three books.

(The introduction of the book was published by Tsurumi Library in the May 2023 issue of the Public Relations Yokohama Tsurumi Ward version.)


Shadows of books that have changed the world

Title: Books that have changed the world
Author name: Takamitsu Yamamoto / Written, Mari Hashimoto / Edit
Issuer: Shogakukan
Year of publication: 2022

In the past, books were copied by human hands. When letterpress printing became popular in Western Europe in the 15th century, print books began to be made.
This book features a variety of first editions, from written by familiar people such as Decarte and Newton to report on the Space Shuttle Accident Investigation Report. A book stimulates someone who reads it, and the book that person writes influences another person's thought.…In this way, the history of the quest of science continues.
You can once again feel the power of the medium of books, which connects people.

(Introduction to the book was published by the Tozuka Library in the August 2023 issue of the public information Yokohama Totsuka Ward.)


A story of clothes

Title: Clothing, sew, and thinking
Author name: Chie Gyoji / Written
Issuer: Iwanami Shoten
Year of publication: 2020

Mr. Gyoji is a newspaper reporter. I am making clothes as a hobby.
When I was a child, my grandmother and mother made clothes. As an adult, brand clothes became armed for work. However, when I was transferred, I felt uncomfortable with choosing clothes so far, and only casual clothes I wear every day.…。
What is clothes? What is the meaning of clothes making? The author begins to ask himself.

(Introduction to the book was published by the Asahi Library in the September 2022 issue of the Public Relations Yokohama Asahi Ward.)


Sandwich in the deep sea

Title: Supporting "Shinkai 6500" sandwiches in the deep sea dining table of the mother ship "Yokosuka"
Author name: Hirai / Written, Yoshihiro Uegaki / Written
Issuer: Fist shobo
Year of publication: 2015

Did you know that the Yokohama Research Laboratory of the National Research and Development Agency Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) is located in Kanazawa Ward? This book is a reportage covering the "Shinkai 6500" manned submersible research vessel "Shinkai 6500" and its support mother ship.
A hot drink of thermos that warms your body in the cold deep sea. Sandwich that can be eaten with one hand while working during precious survey time. Red rice that is served when you want to achieve your goal. Nutrition-rich meals made by experienced chefs support the health and motivation of the board.

(The introduction of the book was published by Kanazawa Library in the May 2023 issue of the public relations Yokohama Kanazawa Ward version.)


I am the shadow of a robot.

Title: I am a robot definitive version (Hayakawa Bunko)
Author name: Isaac Asimov/written, Fusa Obi / Translation
Issuer: Hayakawa Publishing
Year of publication: 2004

A masterpiece SF that created the famous "Three Principles of Robots". The three principles of scientists, Asimov, who is also a scientist, have had a significant impact on real robotics. I'm surprised at the foresight that I don't think of a work more than 70 years ago, such as robotics and ethics issues. This is a book that I definitely want to read back in the present era.

(Introduction to the book was published by Minami Library in the July 2023 issue of the Public Relations Yokohama Minami Ward.)


Viola mother

Title: Viola Mother, Ryoko, a terrible mother who brought up me
Author name: Masaki Mali / Written
Issuer: Bungeishunju Ltd.
Year of publication: 2019

This is the story of Mali Yamazaki Mali's childhood and his mother Ryoko, who are familiar with manga works such as "Thermae Romae".
Ryoko, who grew up with a daughter, wants to do music, jumps out of Tokyo's house and joins the Sapporo orchestra. As soon as she gets married, she bereaved from her husband and brings up two daughters with one viola as a performer.
Ryoko who strives for his favorite music, lives lively, and does not care about himself and his children are different from others. When my work is off, I let my children take a break from school and run together in the nature of Hokkaido with my car's town aes.
This is a book where you can feel the child-raising of Ryoko, who embodies the harshness and pleasure of living.

(Introduction to the book was published by the Kanagawa Library on the Town News Kanagawa Ward version (external site).)


Japanese Traditional Game

Title: Japanese Traditional Game
Author name: Tokyo Toy Museum / Editing
Issuer: Reimei Shobo
Year of publication: 2018

This book introduces seasonal fun, kite flying, sugoroku, karuta, etc. for a long time, and introduces seasonal play that you want to pass on to future generations.
Why don't you enjoy these traditional games with your children nowadays?

(The introduction of the book was published by the Tsurumi Library in the January 2023 issue of the Public Relations Yokohama Tsurumi Ward.)


Tokaido Gojusanji

Title: Listening to the "voices" of the people drawn by Tokaido Gojusanji
Author name: Purple Fujisawa / Edited
Issuer: NHK Publishing
Year of publication: 2021

I think that many people have seen Hiroshige Utagawa's Ukiyo-e "Tokaido Goju Sanjinouchi Totsuka" is. So, have you ever wondered what kind of people are depicted there and what they are doing?
This book focuses on the characters in the picture and explains the clothes, belongings, occupation, etc. There are 13 short stories inspired by pictures. There are also columns on the old Tokaido, such as road width and crossing circumstances. There is no novel in Tozuka's scene, so it's fun to expand your imagination while looking at the picture, "Maybe you're talking like this."

(Introduction to the book was published by the Tozuka Library in the June 2022 issue of the Public Relations Yokohama Totsuka Ward.)


Library information for reading dislikes

Title: Library information for reading dislikes
Author name: Masami Aoya / Written
Issuer: Hayakawa Publishing
Year of publication: 2020

Arasaka, a high-school boy who became a book committee even though he hates reading, was assigned to create a book newspaper with Fuju (Fujio), a book lover, and asked his classmates and teachers for reading impressions to be posted on paper. Request. A youth story with love and mystery that touches people's thoughts through impressions.

(Introduction to the book was published in the book list "Yokohamano Teens" 2023.)


Easy idea to make a small garden by yourself

Title: Easy idea to create a small garden by yourself Gardening to enjoy a small place or parking lot, beside the entrance, or on the veranda
Author name: Housewife and Seikatsusha / Hentai
Issuer: Housewife and Seikatsusha
Year of publication: 2021

It is a gardening book that can be started in small places such as entrances, veranda, and parking lot.
You may be able to create a colorful space by devising various places in your home. It also introduces a wide range of props and recommended plants to make it look beautiful, and it is a reference book when starting gardening at home.

(Introduction to the book was published by the Isogo Library in the August 2022 issue of the Public Relations Yokohama Isogo Ward.)


Textbooks for disaster prevention not going to evacuation centers

Title: I learned from disaster prevention textbooks that do not go to evacuation centers I learned from the disaster! Techniques to survive two weeks of home evacuation
Author name: Hiroaki Nishino / Written
Issuer: Fusosha
Year of publication: 2020

In this book, we will make use of the author's experience of disaster, how to improve the disaster prevention power of home by DIY etc. in preparation for earthquakes and storms and floods, recommended disaster prevention goods, and techniques to survive two weeks of evacuation at home, including recommended disaster prevention goods. I am introducing it.

(Introduction to the book was published by Tsurumi Library in the September 2022 issue of the Public Relations Yokohama Tsurumi Ward.)


Illustration U.K. Fantasy World

Title: Illustration U.K. Fantasy World
Author name: Miki Okuda / Written
Issuer: Kawade Shobo Shinsha
Year of publication: 2016

In a nutshell, there are many different works. Beginning with Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, and "Kuma no Pooh," which is also famous for children's literature.
Several works and authors are featured, and you can learn not only the stage of the story but also how the author's experience and thoughts were reflected in the work. As a small story, it also mentions British culture and history, copyright issues at the time, and it is a book that will trigger you to enjoy the story from a different perspective.

(Introduction to the book was published by the Asahi Library in the May 2022 issue of the Public Relations Yokohama Asahi Ward.)

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