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The 8th “My Town Kanagawa Best” Photo Contest Prize-winning Works (2016)

Last Updated March 12, 2019

Application status and examination results

○Entries: 54 points (General section: 38 points, elementary and junior high school students section 16 points)
○Prize-winning works: 10 points
General Division: 1 Grand Prize, 2 Excellence Award, and 2 Taro Kame Award
Elementary and junior high school students: 1 Grand Prize, 2 Excellence Award, and 2 Taro Kame Award

Prize-winning works

General Business Division

Grand Prize "Winter Sunny"

Grand Prize in the General Category "Winter Sunny"

Judge's comment

Mount Fuji (red Fuji) bathed in the morning sun. Investigate the weather, season, time, etc., and make you feel like you were aiming at the same time.

This photo shows the characteristics of Kanagawa Ward, taking a short amount of time when the morning light begins to hit Mount Fuji.

Excellence Award "Exciting Play on Summer Day"

General category Excellence Award "Exciting Play on Summer Day"

Award for excellence award "Taiko no Koharu"

General Category Excellence Award for Excellence in General Division

Kame Taro Award "Okagura"

General Category Kame Taro Award "Okagura"

Kame Taro Award "A Town with Autumn in One Corner"

General category Kame Taro Award "A Town with Autumn in One Corner"

Elementary and Junior High School Division

Grand Prize "Mt. Fuji and Sunset Sky"

Grand Prize for elementary and junior high school students category "Mt. Fuji and Sunset Sky"

Award for excellence "Now and old days of tracks"

Elementary and junior high school student category excellence award "Now and old tracks"

Excellence Award "Park Park dyed with Blue Moment"

Elementary and junior high school student section excellence award "Park dyed with Blue Moment"

Kame Taro Award "History and Development"

Elementary and Junior High School Category Taro Award "History and Development"

Kame Taro Award "Artery"

Elementary and Junior High School Division Kame Taro Award "Aortica"

Implementing entity

○Organizer: Kanagawa Ward Office
○Sponsorship: S Yamamoto Textile Processing Co., Ltd., Gato Yokohama Co., Ltd., Yokohama Soy Sauce Co., Ltd. (in no particular order)

For inquiries to this page

Kanagawa Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-411-7086

Phone: 045-411-7086

Fax: 045-323-2502

Email address:

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Page ID: 256-183-314

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