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The 11th “My Town Kanagawa Best” Photo Contest Prize-winning Works (FY2019)

Last Updated December 26, 2019

Application status and examination results

○Entries: 71 points (General section: 50 points, elementary and junior high school students section: 21 points)
○Prize-winning works: 10 points
General Division: 1 Grand Prize, 2 Excellence Award, and 2 Taro Kame Award
Elementary and junior high school students: 1 Grand Prize, 2 Excellence Award, and 2 Taro Kame Award

Prize-winning works

General Business Division

Grand Prize, "Fureai no Michi"
(Rokukakubashi Shopping Street)
Mr. Masashi Saito

Photograph of Grand Prize in General Category

Judge's comment
It is a composition that takes advantage of the arcade, which is a characteristic of the shopping district.
I am familiar with the banner of the event and the number of people.
It skillfully expresses how the shopping district is bustling.

Excellence Award "Fun Waterside"
(Sunada River (Saruwatari))
Teruko Honda

Photograph of Excellence Award in General Category

Excellence Award "Urashima Canal Street"
Mr. Tatsuya Mizukami

Photograph of Excellence Award in General Category

Kame Taro Award "Joined"
(in Neighborhood Associations, Azumacho, Kandaiji)
Mr. Hideaki Tomura

Photographs of Kame Taro Award in General Category

Kame Taro Award "70th Anniversary of Shopping Street"
(Oguchi-dori Shopping Street)
Hisako Oka

Photographs of Kame Taro Award in General Category

Elementary and Junior High School Division

Grand Prize "Kasugawa Sorimachi Park"
(Sorimachi Park)
Rina Iwai

Photograph of the highest award in elementary and junior high school students category

Judge's comment
It can be seen that we waited for the train to come and photographed the timing.
The transparency of the blue sky and the vivid white clouds are well expressed.
By adding cherry blossoms, you can see some ideas such as creating a sense of the season.

Excellence Award "I wish I could catch fish"
(Shin-Urashima Bridge)
Mio Nakashima

Photograph of Elementary and Junior High School Division Excellence Award

Excellence Award "Ryoshi Koyasu Hama"
(Koyasu Hama (Koyasu Street, 1-chome))
Mr. Nagi Nishida

Photograph of Elementary and Junior High School Division Excellence Award

Kame Taro Award "Follow the Water Surface"
(Shirohataike Park)
Mr. Anka Shirahama

Photograph of the Kame Taro Award in Elementary and Junior High School Division

Kame Taro Award, "The View of All Green"
(Agricultural Area of Hazawa, Sugeta)
Mr. Kajun Taniguchi

Photograph of the Kame Taro Award in Elementary and Junior High School Division

Implementing entity

○Organizer: Kanagawa Ward Office
○Sponsorship: S Yamamoto Textile Processing Co., Ltd., Gato Yokohama Co., Ltd., Yokohama Soy Sauce Co., Ltd. (in no particular order)

For inquiries to this page

Kanagawa Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-411-7086

Phone: 045-411-7086

Fax: 045-323-2502

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