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Prize-winning works of the 13th “Kanagawa Best in My Town” Photo Contest (FY2021)

Last Updated December 28, 2021

Application status and examination results

○Entries: 197 points (General section: 97 points, elementary and junior high school students section: 100 points)
○Prize-winning works: 9 points
General Division: 1 Grand Prize, 1 Excellence Award, and 2 Taro Kame Award
※Regarding the excellence award in the general category, one work has been declined due to the intention of the individual, so one prize will be awarded.
Elementary and junior high school students: 1 Grand Prize, 2 Excellence Award, and 2 Taro Kame Award

Prize-winning works

General Business Division

Best Award "Twilight Yokohama"
(Takinogawa, Bandai Bridge)
Mr. Masaru Takeuchi

Photograph of Grand Prize in General Category

Judge's comment
The composition of the bicycle silhouette and the shadow reflected on the surface of the water is exquisite, and you can feel the depth of the sunset.
It is a wonderful work that makes you feel a close connection with the local people even though people are not shown.

Excellence Award "Autumn Leaf"
(Sorimachi Park)
Mr. Mitsuru Tokutani

Photograph of Excellence Award in General Category

Kame Taro Award "Spring of Mt. Takamichi"
Mr. Masayoshi Kawashima

Photographs of Kame Taro Award in General Category

Kame Taro Award "Houseji"
(Hazawa Pedestrian Bridge)
Mr. Toshio Tanaka

Photographs of Kame Taro Award in General Category

Elementary and Junior High School Division

Grand Prize "A candy shop filled with Anko and Memories"
(Oguchi Akebono-dori Shopping Street)
Mr. Shuntaro Kadoji

Photograph of the highest award in elementary and junior high school students category

Judge's comment
It is a warm work that feels nostalgic and friendly.
It is shot from the obedient child's point of view, the composition is wonderful, and it seems that you can still hear the interaction with the shop.
It is a wonderful work filled with the photographer's thoughts.

Excellence Award "Let's go home!"
(Aokibashi Bridge)
Mr. Eidai Tanabe

Photograph of Elementary and Junior High School Division Excellence Award

Excellence Award "Night, Lighting"
(Higashi Takashima Station)
Mr. Tamasa Nakamura

Photograph of Elementary and Junior High School Division Excellence Award

Kame Taro Award "Turtle Swimming in the Blue Sky"
(Along the national highway near Kanagawa small)
Mr. Tsubasa Kawasaki

Photograph of the Kame Taro Award in Elementary and Junior High School Division

Kame Taro Award "Seseragi no Koi"
(Seseragi Green Road)
Mr. Ogura Ningzakura

Photograph of the Kame Taro Award in Elementary and Junior High School Division

Implementing entity

○Organizer: Kanagawa Ward Office
○Sponsorship: S Yamamoto Textile Processing Co., Ltd., Gato Yokohama Co., Ltd., Yokohama Soy Sauce Co., Ltd. (in no particular order)

For inquiries to this page

Kanagawa Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-411-7086

Phone: 045-411-7086

Fax: 045-323-2502

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Page ID: 753-085-665

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