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Population (Population by age, gender, change in population)

Last update date April 1, 2024

Population by age (as of January 1 of each year) in Kanagawa Ward

Please check the Yokohama Statistical Portal Site.
In addition to tabulated by each age and 5 years old class, tabulation by three categories: under 15 years old (young population), 15-64 years old (working age population), 65 years old or older (elderly population), age composition index, average age You can check the age.

Changes in Population in Kanagawa Ward

It is a total of demographics (transfer, transfer, birth, death) for one year (January 1 to December 31) based on the Basic Resident Register.

Kanagawa Ward
Social Changes1,8262,0119827622,060
Natural changes△108△299△96△427△626
Decrease in population1,7181,7128863351,434

Document: Yokohama Statistical Report
For data from 2006, you can refer to (Excel format) (Excel: 12KB).

[Inquiry] General Affairs Division Statistics and Elections Section Telephone: 045-411-7014 Fax: 045-411-7018

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