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- Population and Households
- Population by age
- Population by age of city / ward (as of January 1, based on estimated population)
Here's the text.
Population by age of city / ward (as of January 1, based on estimated population)
Estimated population based on the results of the census is tabulated by age. In addition to tabulation by age and 5-year-old class, tabulation by three categories: under 15 years old (young population), 15-64 years old (working age population), and 65 years old or older (elderly population). Age composition index and average age are posted. It is updated once a year according to the total as of January 1 of each year.
Last Updated January 22, 2025
Population by age (each age, 5 years)
Reiwa 7 (2025) _ Population by age (Excel: 134KB)
Reiwa 6 (2024) _ Population by age (Excel: 135KB)
Reiwa 5 (2023) _ Population by age (Excel: 134KB)
Reiwa 4 (2022) _ Population by age (Excel: 134KB)
Reiwa 3 (2021) _ Population by age (Excel: 134KB)
Reiwa 2 (2020) _ Population by age (Excel: 133KB)
Heisei 31 (2019) _ Population by age (Excel: 133KB)
Heisei30 (2018) _ Population by age (Excel: 133KB)
Heisei 29 (2017) _ Population by age (Excel: 133KB)
Heisei 28 (2016) _ Population by age (Excel: 133KB)
Heisei 27 (2015) _ Population by age (Excel: 133KB)
Heisei 26 (2014) _ Population by age (Excel: 133KB)
Heisei 25 (2013) _ Population by age (Excel: 134KB)
Heisei 24 (2012) _ Population by age (Excel: 136KB)
Heisei 23 (2011) _ Population by age (Excel: 135KB)
Heisei 22 (2010) _ Population by age (Excel: 134KB)
Heisei 21 (2009) _ Population by age (Excel: 134KB)
Heisei 20 (2008) _ Population by age (Excel: 135KB)
Heisei 19 (2007) _ Population by age (Excel: 132KB)
Heisei 18 (2006) _ Population by age (Excel: 122KB)
Heisei 17 (2005) _ Population by age (Excel: 127KB)
Heisei 16 (2004) _ Population by age (Excel: 126KB)
Heisei 15 (2003) _ Population by age (Excel: 125KB)
Age distribution population, age composition index, average age
Reiwa 7 (2025) _Age structure (Excel: 26KB)
Reiwa 6 (2024) _Age structure (Excel: 26KB)
Reiwa 5 (2023) _Age structure (Excel: 25KB)
Reiwa 4 (2022) _Age structure (Excel: 26KB)
Reiwa 3 (2021) _Age structure (Excel: 26KB)
Reiwa 2 (2020) _Age structure (Excel: 26KB)
Heisei 31 (2019) _Age structure (Excel: 26KB)
2018 (2018) _Age structure (Excel: 29KB)
Heisei 29 (2017) _Age structure (Excel: 28KB)
2016 (2016) _Age structure (Excel: 28KB)
Heisei 27 (2015) _Age structure (Excel: 29KB)
2014 (2014) _Age structure (Excel: 18KB)
2013 (2013) _Age structure (Excel: 19KB)
2012 (2012) _Age structure (Excel: 18KB)
Heisei 23 (2011) _Age structure (Excel: 23KB)
Heisei 22 (2010) _Age structure (Excel: 18KB)
2009 (2009) _Age structure (Excel: 18KB)
2008 (2008) _Age structure (Excel: 18KB)
Heisei 19 (2007) _Age structure (Excel: 18KB)
Heisei 18 (2006) _Age structure (Excel: 18KB)
Heisei 17 (2005) _Age structure (Excel: 18KB)
Heisei 16 (2004) _Age structure (Excel: 21KB)
・Population by age (based on estimated population) before 2002 is based on the "Long-Term Time Series Data" page (Changes in Population by Age)
You can check it out.
Posted data: Population by age (each age) of Yokohama City since 1920 (1920)
Population by age (5-year-old class) of administrative districts since 1930 (1930)
・Data after January 2014 is also published in the open data "Age, Population by Gender-Administrative District".
The data format is a csv file.
Open data "Age, Population by Gender-Administrative District"
About the use of open data
The open data posted on this page is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
For details, please refer to the link below.
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode.ja (external site)
Inquiries to this page
General Affairs Department Statistical Information Division, Policy Management Bureau
Telephone: 045-671-4201
Telephone: 045-671-4201
Fax: 045-663-0130
Email address: ss-info@city.yokohama.lg.jp
Page ID: 595-942-592