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Fireproofing promotion business of town

Last Updated March 26, 2024

Fireproofing promotion business of town

Yokohama City has designated areas where fires that occur during an earthquake are expected to be large are designated as areas where measures will be implemented. Of these, areas where the damage is particularly large (1,140 hectares) are designated as “Priority Measures Areas (non-combustible) Promotion area) ”and other areas (3,960 hectares) are defined as“ countermeasures areas ”.
In this area, in order to promote initiatives for non-combustible towns, along with fire prevention regulations when building buildings, assistance such as removal and rebuilding of old buildings, widening of narrow roads and maintenance of open spaces and parks, We support local organizations such as disaster prevention town development meeting.

Urban Development Bureau Website
Fireproofing promotion business of town

Areas within Kanagawa Ward

If your home or district is in the target area, you may be able to get help.
In Kanagawa Ward, the following areas are designated as "Priority Measures Areas (non-combustible promotion areas)". (As of April 2024)

  • Asahigaoka, Jindaiji 1-chome, Kuritaya, Saitobunchou, Nakamaru, Nihonenoki, Matsumotocho 2-chome and 4-chome, Rokkakubashi 3-chome, Rokkakubashi 4-chome, Rokukakubashi 5-chome, Shindaiji 4-chome, Nishi-Kannagawa 3-chome, Hirakawacho, Hirodaiota-cho, Matsumoto-cho 1-chome and 3-chome, Mitsunakazawa
  • The entire area of Shirahatakamicho, Shirahatanishicho, Shirahataminamicho, Urashimaoka, Shirahatanakacho, Shirahata-Higashi-cho, Shirahatamukaicho, Nishioguchi, Hakuraku

Other areas in Kanagawa Ward may receive some assistance.
For details, please refer to the following Urban Development Bureau homepage and contact the Disaster Prevention Town Development Promotion Section (045-671-3595).

Urban Development Bureau Website
Priority measures area (non-combustible area)
Countermeasures areas: Please refer to the leaflet and list of target districts on this page.

We support community development in disaster prevention communities

In promoting local disaster prevention town development, we can also receive activity support by local town development promotion regulations.
Here are some of the districts in Kanagawa Ward that we are already working on.

★Urashimacho Disaster Prevention Community Development Department

In Urashimacho, after a study session for about two years, the "Urashimacho Town Development Council" was launched on December 3, 2005.
After that, after examining case tours and questionnaire surveys, the "Urashimacho Disaster Prevention Town Development Plan (certified on November 25, 2009)" was formulated.
Even now, the name of the organization has been changed to the "Urashimacho Disaster Prevention Community Development Department", and activities in line with the "Urashimacho Disaster Prevention Town Development Plan" are continuing.

Urban Development Bureau Website
Urashimacho Disaster Prevention Community Development Plan (Local Community Development Plan)

★Rokukakubashi Shopping Street Federation

In Rokukakubashi Shopping Street, a fire that occurred in 2011 triggered efforts to create an attractive town that is resistant to disasters.
After that, the “Rokukakubashi Shopping Street District Town Development Rules (certified on April 4, 2014, change of certification on March 25, 2022)” and the “Rokukakubashi Shopping Street Area Community Development Plan (certified on May 15, 2015, 2022)) ”has been formulated, and activities aimed at becoming a disaster-resistant and attractive town are still ongoing.

Urban Development Bureau Website
Rokukakubashi Shopping Street District Town Development Rules (Local Community Development Rules)
Rokukakubashi Shopping Street District Community Development Plan (Local Community Development Plan)

★Neighborhood Association Shirahatakamicho

In Shirahatakamicho, town development activities were started in 2020 with the goal of becoming a town where residents can demonstrate their disaster prevention capabilities in the event of a disaster.
After that, after examining town walks and questionnaire surveys, the "Shirahatakamicho Disaster Prevention and anti-crime program Town Development Plan (Authorized on March 24, 2023)" was formulated. We are continuing our activities in line with the Shirahatakamicho Disaster Prevention and anti-crime program Town Development Plan to realize a town that is strong against disaster prevention and anti-crime program.

Urban Development Bureau Website

Shirahatakamicho Disaster Prevention and anti-crime program Town Development Plan (Local Community Development Plan)

★Kitamachi Bosai Action

The Kitamachi Bosai Action started community development activities in fiscal 2022, centered on Rokukakubashi Kitamachi Neighborhood Association, with the aim of promoting reduce disaster damage's efforts, such as securing evacuation routes so that no one will be delayed and deploying disaster prevention equipment.
Urban Development Bureau Website

Kitamachi Bosai Action (Community Community Development Group)

For inquiries to this page

Kanagawa Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Phone: 045-411-7028

Phone: 045-411-7028

Fax: 045-314-8890

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Page ID: 677-392-480

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