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Application style download

Last Updated October 6, 2021

Application form

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Road occupation permission application (consultation) form

Person who is going to receive private use of road, please submit and receive approval. It also includes updates and changes.

PDFPDF format (PDF: 62KB) xlsEXCEL format (Excel: 17KB)

Notification of abolition of road private use

Please submit if you end private use before the end period when you have permission for road occupation.

PDFPDF format (PDF: 42KB) docWORD format (word: 17KB)

Application for permission to transfer road occupation rights

Please submit it when transferring the right of road occupation.

PDFPDF format (PDF: 87KB) docWORD format (word: 12KB)

Application for approval of road construction, etc.

Please submit when a person other than the road manager changes the road or road structure.

PDFPDF format (PDF: 133KB) docWORD format (word: 29KB)

Various notifications such as road construction

Please submit and receive approval when you start, change, cancel, or complete in the construction permitted in the enforcement approval letter such as road construction.

PDFPDF format (PDF: 79KB) docWORD format (word: 52KB)

Application for boundary surveys such as roads and waterways

If you are going to apply for a boundary survey, please submit an application form.

PDFPDF format (PDF: 184KB) docWORD format (word: 44KB)

Attendance agreement

If you are going to apply for a boundary survey, please submit a witness consent form.

PDFPDF format (PDF: 97KB) docWORD format (word: 44KB)

Application form for copying of drawings

If you wish to apply for a copy of the drawing, please submit it.

PDFPDF format (PDF: 133KB) xlsEXCEL format (Excel: 22KB)

Copy certificate grant application

Those who intend to apply for a copy certificate will submit a copy certificate grant application form.

PDFPDF format (PDF: 120KB) xlsEXCEL format (Excel: 18KB)

Road occupancy fee reduction / exemption application

Please submit when you apply for reduction of taxes of road private use charges by rule of Yokohama-shi private use charges regulations Article 6 Clause 1.

PDFPDF format (PDF: 92KB) docWORD format (word: 29KB)

Notification of construction work for private property

If you need a private property installation construction notification, please submit it when the construction is completed.

PDFPDF format (PDF: 57KB) docWORD format (word: 17KB)

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Page ID: 283-657-540

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