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List of DIGEST in FY2019 (FY2019 to FY2019)

Last Updated January 19, 2024


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March 31, 2020 Issue

March 31, 2020

Yokohama City Foreign Residents' Survey was conducted. (PDF:896KB)

Yokohama releases results of 2019 foreign resident survey.

March 16, 2020 Issue

March 16, 2020

At the world's largest meeting on urban issues, we publicized the city's efforts. (PDF:878KB)

Yokohama shares Y-PORT, YUSA initiatives at WUF10.

February 18, 2020 Issue

February 18, 2020

International Peace Lecture was held and a video introducing international peace initiatives. (PDF:867KB)

Photojournalist Noriko Hayashi speaks at special peace awareness event.

January 17, 2020 Issue

January 17, 2020

Considering the SDGs and Action: YOKE Global Citizen's Lecture was held. (PDF:946KB)

Citizens interact with IUC students at YOKE-organized SDGs event.

January 7, 2020 Issue
January 7, 2020

Mayor Frankfurt, partner city, visited Yokohama. (PDF:906KB)

Partnership city Frankfurt’s Mayor Feldmann visits Yokohama.

December 19, 2019 issue
December 19, 2019

60th anniversary of sister city partnership: The Deputy Mayor visited Lyon, France. (PDF:1,006KB)

Cherry blossom planting and International Silk City Network signing for sister city 60th anniversary with Lyon.

December 12, 2019 issue
December 12, 2019

The 2nd "Yokohama Festival" was held in sister city Mumbai. (PDF:967KB)
“Yokohama Festival 2019”held in sister city Mumbai.

December 9, 2019 issue
December 9, 2019

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the establishment of the Americas office, we made a broad appeal to Yokohama's excellent business environment. (PDF:925KB)
Promoting Yokohama and strengthening intercity relations in New York.

December 2, 2019 issue
December 2, 2019

The Shanghai City Friendship City Cooperation Promotion Forum introduced the city's intercity cooperation and international cooperation initiatives. (PDF:946KB)

Yokohama presents collaborative initiatives at Sister Cities Cooperation Forum in Shanghai.

November 29, 2019 issue

November 29, 2019

We are widely promoting international peace, SDGs, and international cooperation projects, including the creation of international peace awareness leaflets. (PDF:990KB)

Leaflet illustrates Yokohama’s work towards peace.

November 20, 2019 issue
November 20, 2019

Yokohama City Centerminami Passport Center has finally been opened. (PDF:972KB)

Yokohama Fire Bureau staff support first responder training in Makati.

November 12, 2019 issue
November 12, 2019

Mayor Hayashi spoke at the APEC Women and Economic Forum. (PDF:887KB)

Mayor Hayashi speaks at APEC Women and the Economy Forum.

November 11, 2019 issue
November 11, 2019

Special edition of the 8th Asian Smart City Conference. (PDF:841KB)

8th Asia Smart City Conference (ASCC): special edition.

October 25, 2019 issue
October 25, 2019

Yokohama also signed a declaration on the SDGs review by cities around the world. (PDF:846KB)

Yokohama joins New York, major cities in signing declaration for city-level SDG action.

October 24, 2019 issue
October 24, 2019

"The 9th Da Nang Urban Development Forum" was held to create a sustainable city in Da Nang, Vietnam. (PDF:951KB)
9th Da Nang Urban Development Forum promotes sustainable urban design in Vietnamese city.

October 18, 2019 issue

October 18, 2019

The 12th City Net Disaster Prevention Cluster Seminar was held on the theme of understanding and management of disaster risks. (PDF:1,009KB)
12th CityNet Disaster Cluster Seminar.

October 17, 2019 issue

October 17, 2019

Special Feature (PDF: 814KB) Page 2 (PDF: 814KB) Page 2 (PDF: 865KB) Page 3 (PDF: 870KB)
TICAD 7 in Yokohama: 3-page special edition.

September 20, 2019 issue

September 20, 2019

Career guidance for those who want to work for international organizations was held. (PDF:957KB)
Honduras Ambassador returns to Yokohama to visit YNU,“Hama Wing.”

September 13, 2019 issue

September 13, 2019

Female entrepreneurs and others visited the beach in the Yokohama City-JICA collaboration project "Japan-Africa Business Woman Exchange Program". (PDF:971KB)
African businesswomen visit Yokohama through exchange program.

September 10, 2019 issue

September 10, 2019

We introduce activity of "Ori Para x Multicultural Symbiosis" civic group. (PDF:963KB)
Introducing civic activity projects promoting a multicultural society.

August 19, 2019 issue

August 19, 2019

"I and Africa from Yokohama" PR video has been completed with photos collected from citizens. (PDF:790KB)
Citizens contribute photographs to“Africa and me -from Yokohama-”video.

August 8, 2019 issue

August 8, 2019

"Yokohama Multicultural Symbiosis General Consultation Center" has been established. (PDF:937KB)
YOKOHAMA Foreign Residents Information Center opens for consultation.

July 16, 2019 issue

July 16, 2019

Scottish youth orchestras and Harvard University students interacted with city high school and university students. (PDF:977KB)

Scotland’s Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra performs at Minato Sogo High School.

July 4, 2019 issue

July 4, 2019

Mayor Hayashi introduced Yokohama's efforts to more than 400 female politicians from around the world. (PDF:895KB)

Mayor Hayashi joins panel at Women Political Leaders Summit.

June 28, 2019 issue

June 28, 2019

High school students in the city announced their study abroad results at the Japan-German Youth Women Forum. (PDF:920KB)

High school students share their study abroad experiences at the Japanese-German Youth and Women’s Forum.

June 17, 2019 issue

June 17, 2019

City elementary school interacted with British triathlon and paratriathlon representative player. (PDF:1,012KB)

Local elementary students interact with athletes from Great Britain’s triathlon and para-triathlon teams.

June 7, 2019 issue

June 7, 2019

At each event and festival in Yokohama, we carried out a project to make visitors feel closer to Africa. (PDF:976KB)

Local events and festivals bring Africa to Yokohama.

June 4, 2019 issue

June 4, 2019

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the sister city partnership, Mayor Lyon, France, came to the beach and donated a new kind of roses to Yokohama. (PDF:909KB)

Lyon, France Mayor visits Yokohama; 60 years of sister city relations.

May 30, 2019 issue

May 30, 2019

Youth from Japan and abroad learn about "tropical forests" and "disaster prevention learning". (PDF:914KB)

ITTO staff speaks to students at Yokohama Jogakuin Senior High School about tropical forests.

May 24, 2019 issue

May 24, 2019

A record high of 5,000 people participated in the WFP Walk The World, and the foreign population in Yokohama exceeded 100,000. (PDF:794KB)

“WFP Walk the World for Africa”charity event breaks record with over 5,000 participantsambassadors of African countries.

May 14, 2019 issue

May 14, 2019

"The 67th The Yokohama Parade" and African rhythm collaborated. (PDF:957KB)

67th YOKOHAMA PARADE features African rhythms.

May 10, 2019 issue

May 10, 2019

We introduced the city's efforts on accepting foreign human resources and coexistence with multiculturalism at a seminar hosted by the Federation of Economic Organizations. (PDF:816KB)

International Affairs Bureau head speaks at seminar on foreign human resources.

April 25, 2019 issue
April 25, 2019

Yokohama participated in the first general meeting of the SDGs Leadership City Alliance. (PDF:922KB)
Inaugural meeting of the SDG Leadership Cities Alliance - Director General for the Global Network represents Yokohama.

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