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  5. Efforts to Promote Data Utilization
  6. Yokohama City Policy Management Bureau, Data Management Department Official Report Operation Policy

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Yokohama City Policy Management Bureau, Data Management Department Official Report Operation Policy

Last update date April 18, 2024

Official noteURL

Information Dissemination Department

Yokohama City Policy Management Bureau Data Management Department

Outline of transmission

We send information such as approach about data utilization or measure evaluation that Yokohama-shi promotes aiming at "city management that places importance on data".
In addition, the following contents will not be disclosed.

  • Content that violates laws, regulations, and other laws and regulations.
  • Those that offensive to public order and morals
  • Political and religious activities
  • Encourage criminal acts
  • Those that promote discrimination or discrimination of race, ideas, beliefs, etc.
  • Those that slander a particular individual, company, organization, etc., or damage honor or credibility
  • Anything that infringes privacy, such as identifying, disclosing personal information without the consent of the individual.
  • Those that infringe on patent rights, design rights, copyrights, trademark rights, portrait rights, etc. of Motoichi or third parties
  • Advertising, advertising, solicitation, sales activities, and other profit purposes
  • Those that are false or significantly different from facts, and those that promote mere rumors and reputation
  • Other information that Yokohama City considers inappropriate and links containing these contents.

Operational Management Officer

Manager in charge of data management section, data management department, Yokohama City Policy Management Bureau


Staff belonging to the Data Management Division, Data Management Department, Yokohama City Policy Management Bureau

Posting time

As a general rule, contributor will post irregularly on Hours (weekdays from 8:30 am to 5:15 pm). Posts may be posted outside of Hours as necessary, such as in case of emergency.

Management of post content

About hiding/deletion of comments

This account is managed by the Data Management Division, Data Management Department, Yokohama City Policy Management Bureau. In the operation of this account, comments that are not related to the outgoing information or comments that are judged to fall under the following items may be hidden or deleted without notice to the contributor.

  1. Content that violates laws, regulations, and other laws and regulations.
  2. Those that offensive to public order and morals
  3. Political and religious activities
  4. Encourage criminal acts
  5. Those that promote discrimination or discrimination of race, ideas, beliefs, etc.
  6. Those that slander a particular individual, company, organization, etc., or damage honor or credibility
  7. Anything that infringes privacy, such as identifying, disclosing personal information without the consent of the individual.
  8. Those that infringe on patent rights, design rights, copyrights, trademark rights, portrait rights, etc. of Motoichi or third parties
  9. Advertising, advertising, solicitation, sales activities, and other profit purposes
  10. Anything that impersonates another user or third party
  11. Those that are false or significantly different from facts, and those that promote mere rumors and reputation
  12. Comments with the same content that is repeatedly posted by the same user
  13. Harmful programs
  14. Containing obscene expression
  15. Those that modify part or all of the contents transmitted by this section
  16. Anything that appears to be contrary to the terms and conditions of note
  17. Other information that Yokohama City considers inappropriate and links containing these contents.

About other creator pages

 1.About ski function

  • Do not use the ski function for other creator pages
  • Do not publish the pages that have been skipped.


  • Don't comment on the creator page

Responses to posted comments

In principle, we do not reply to opinions and suggestions published on SNS etc. in the form of sharing posts in this official note. Opinions and suggestions to Yokohama City, including this section, shall be accepted at the following URL.
Proposals from citizens (

Following, citation, retransmission, etc.

Follow the accounts and websites of the national government, local governments, and highly public institutions and organizations, as well as accounts and websites that are considered to be highly useful for providing citizens with information on policy formation utilizing data. And may quote or retransmit the information transmitted.

Intellectual Property Rights

The text parts of the content posted in this official note can be freely used, such as duplication, public transmission, adaptation of translation and deformation, etc. according to 1 to 5 below. Commercial use is also possible. In addition, numerical data, simple tables and graphs are not subject to copyright, so these items are not subject to copyright, so they can be used freely. The quotation and retransmission functions implemented as the official SNS function for this official note can be freely used.

1 About the description of the source

When using the content, please indicate the source.
(Example of source description)

  • Source: Official note (URL of the Content) Data Management Department, Yokohama City Policy Management Bureau

When using the content after editing or processing, please state that you have edited or processed separately from the above sources. In addition, the edited and processed information must not be published and used in a manner as if it was created by the Yokohama City Policy Management Bureau Data Management Department.
(Example of description when using content after editing, processing, etc.)

  • Processed and prepared by processing official document (URL of the content) of Yokohama City Policy Management Bureau

2 Prohibition of infringement of third party rights

  • Among the contents, third parties (meaning persons other than the Yokohama City Policy Management Bureau Data Management Department). The same applies hereafter.) may have copyrights or other rights. For content copyrighted by a third party, or content for which the third party has rights other than copyrights (eg, portrait rights in photographs, publicity rights, etc.) have already been processed. Except as specified, please obtain the permission of use from the third party at your own risk.
  • For content for which a third party has the right, some may directly or indirectly indicate or suggest that the third party has the right by notation in the source, etc. Some do not clearly identify or clarify the parts for which the third party has rights, so please check at your own risk when using.
  • Even if the content is copyrighted by a third party, it may be available without the permission of the copyright holder, such as quotes permitted under the Copyright Act.

3. Content to which this section does not apply

The following content is not applicable to this section.

  • Symbols, logos, and character design representing an organization or specific business
  • Content to which separate usage rules are applied, along with specific and reasonable explanations of grounds

4. Compliance laws and agreement jurisdiction

  • This section is construed in accordance with Japanese law.
  • With regard to the use of the Content referred to in this section and disputes relating to this section, the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the organization that has published this section shall be the exclusive jurisdiction court of first instance.

5 Others

  • This section does not limit the use of citations, etc. permitted under the Copyright Act.
  • This section is set forth on December 1, 2023. This section is compliant with the Government Standard Terms of Service (Standard Edition 2.0). This section is subject to change in the future. If you have already used the content in accordance with the previous version of the Government Standard Terms of Service, then the terms and conditions will continue to apply.
  • This section refers to the terms of copyright license specified in Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International ( (hereinafter referred to as "CC BY") and content to which this section applies can also be used by complying with CC BY.


  1. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information transmitted in this official note, Yokohama City does not assume any responsibility for any actions taken by the user using the information transmitted in this official note.
  2. Yokohama City shall not be liable for any troubles or damages arising from the information transmitted in this official note.
  3. Yokohama City is not responsible for any comments, etc. on this official note posted by users.
  4. Yokohama City shall not be liable for any damages arising in connection with this official document.

Personal information

We do not collect, use, or manage personal information in this official note.

Changes in Operational Policy

The operation policy in this official document is subject to change without prior notice.


Regarding this official note, we may cancel the operation without notice, delete posts, etc., or delete this account itself. In addition, the Yokohama City Policy Management Bureau Data Management Division and its staff do not assume any responsibility for the above measures.

For inquiries to this page

Data Management Division, Data Management Department, Policy Management Bureau

Phone: 045-671-4795

Phone: 045-671-4795

Fax: 045-663-4613

Email address:

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Page ID: 255-654-118


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