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Yokohama City Gender Equality Contribution Award

Last Updated February 21, 2025

Yokohama City aims to realize a "gender equality society" in which men and women respect each other's human rights, share joy and responsibility, and participate equally in all fields.
In Yokohama City, the mayor commends those who have accumulated steady activities and contributed to the realization of a gender equality society in recognition of their achievements. .

List of winners and organizations

List of winners and organizations (titles omitted)
2024 Achievement Award

Reiko Izumi (Chairman, Higashikibogaoka Elementary School evacuation shelter Steering Committee)
Tokyo University of Science
Certified non-profit organization cherries

Youth Award Non-Profit Organization Third Family
2023 Achievement Award

Yumiko Ehara (Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Metropolitan University)

Tamana Matsumoto (Athletic Performance Coach)
Youth Award Ayaka Suzuki (WOMEN’S RUGBY COMMUNITY Advisor)
2022 Achievement Award Kayo Kabi (President and CEO of Jobia Corporation)
Youth Award StockBase Co., Ltd.
2021 Achievement Grand Prize Nobuko Ueda (Pia Ring / Representative of Risa Sana Co., Ltd.)
Promotion Award Kuniko Obinata (Fellow of Dentsu Group, Inc. / Deputy Director of Dentsu Research Institute)
Mayumi Narita (affiliated with Yokohama Sakura Swimming School)
2020 Achievement Grand Prize Takako Iwaki (Vice Chairman, Kanagawa Prefectural Housing Lots and Buildings Business Association)
Promotion Award

Akimi Koizumi (Representative of NPO Kanagawa Prefecture Information Employment and Welfare Network for the Visually Impaired (View-Net Kanagawa))
Medical Corporation Yokohama Future Healthcare System

2019 Achievement Grand Prize Kazuko Takahashi (Council of Yokohama City Sports Association, Professor of Shizuoka Sangyo University)
Kazuko Matsumoto (President of the non-profit organization Flat Station Dream, Vice-President of the non-profit organization Ikoinoie Yumemin)
Promotion Award Harumi Seki (Chairman of the Association of Asunaro Shinyoshida)
Yuko Bogo (Chairman of the Jogo District Alliance Neighborhood Association)
Keiko Yanada (Chairman of Naka Ward Consumer Affairs Committee Children's Committee)
Yokohama-shi fire brigade
2018 Achievement Grand Prize Certified NPO Empowerment Kanagawa
Certified NPO Global Citizen ACT Kanagawa (TPAK)
Tazuko Hiraide (Chairman, Social Welfare Corporation Asahi)
Promotion Award Michiyo Higashi (Representative Director of Smart Women's Community)
Non-Profit Organization Mori Nooto
2017 Achievement Grand Prize Yumiko Okoshi (Vice Chairman of Neighborhood Association, Kibogaoka East District, Asahi-ku)
Yoshiko Otomo (Chairman of Tsurumi Child Care and Individual Raising Forum Steering Committee, Chairman of Tsurumi Ward Rehabilitation Women's Association, Ichibashimocho, Tsurumi-ku Self-Government Chairman)
Promotion Award Kazuko Takei (Chairman of the Yokohama Ladies Table Tennis Federation)
Michiko Fujita (Chairman of Tsurumi Ward Association for Children with Disabilities)
2016 Achievement Grand Prize Keiko Ikeda (Professor Emeritus, Nippon Sport Science University, Chairman of the All Japan Junior Gymnastics Club Federation)
Masako Shimada (Vice Chairman of the NPO Yokohama City Guide Association)
Promotion Award Yumiko Kobayashi (Representative Member of the Hodogaya Residents' Council)
Non-profit organization Sakura Chaya Nishiba
2015 Achievement Grand Prize Miyo Ariga (Chairman, Japan National Council of Social Welfare, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama)
Osamu Shimizu, Executive Director of Nagayamon Park History Experience Zone Steering Committee
Promotion Award Shizue Sakata (Director, Yokohama Agricultural Cooperative)
2014 Achievement Grand Prize Hanako Nishii (Director, Dr. Tsurumi Nishii Hospital, Medical Corporation Kyoshinkai Medical Association)
Promotion Award Takako Iwaki (Representative of Hidachiya Real Estate)
Akiko Oguri (Representative Director of Ato Home, a certified NPO)
Dadway Corporation
2013 Achievement Grand Prize Kazuko Hayakawa (Polynesian Dance Researcher)
Michie Hiura (Director of House Visit to (Shafuku))
Promotion Award Hideko Yamakawa (Vice Chairman of the Association of Self-Government Associations of Aoba Ward)
Non-profit organization parenting (child care support organization)
2012 Achievement Grand Prize Teruko Saeki (doctor, former director of Kotobukicho Workers' Welfare Association)
Promotion Award Yukari Chikaga (Professional Soccer Player)
Yokohama 10,000 child care forum (child care support group)
Nishi fire brigade (fire brigade)
2011 Achievement Grand Prize Makiko Arima, President of the Japan Committee of UN Women (United Nations Women's Organization)
Non-profit organization Kanagawa Women's Space Mizura (support for DV victims, etc.)
Non-profit organization Women's House Surler (support for DV victims, etc.)
Social welfare corporation worship service (support for DV victims, etc.)
Promotion Award Yoshiko Hata (Representative Director of the Yokohama Disaster Volunteer Bus Association)
Kaoru Toyama (Representative of the Kanazawa Ward Disaster Volunteer Network)
Non-profit organization Bi-no-Bino (child care support)

Winners Details, Awards Ceremony, etc.

  • 14th (FY2024)

Winners Decision (press release on February 21, 2025) (PDF: 542KB)

  • 13th (FY2023)

Winners Decision (press release on February 16, 2024) (PDF: 447KB)

  • 12th (FY2022)

Winners Decision (press release on January 5, 2023) (PDF: 406KB)

  • 11th (FY2021)

Winners Decision (press release on January 14, 2022) (PDF: 366KB)

  • 10th (FY2020)

Winners Decision (press release on January 19, 2021) (PDF: 455KB)
About commendation ceremony (Friday, January 22, 2021) (PDF: 393KB)

  • 9th (FY2019)

Winners Decision (press release on January 10, 2020) (PDF: 440KB)
About commendation ceremony, round-table conference (Friday, January 17, 2020) (PDF: 307KB)

  • 8th (FY2018)

Winners Decision (press release on January 17, 2019) (PDF: 455KB)
About commendation ceremony, round-table conference (Monday, January 21, 2019) (PDF: 328KB)

  • 7th (FY2017)

Winners Decision (press release document on February 26, 2018) (PDF: 295KB)
About commendation ceremony, round-table conference (Monday, March 26, 2018) (PDF: 254KB)

  • 6th (FY2016)

Winners Decision (Press Release on March 16, 2017) (PDF: 752KB)
About commendation ceremony, round-table conference (Thursday, March 23, 2017) (PDF: 453KB)

  • 5th (FY2015)

Winner decision (press release document on January 28, 2016) (PDF: 843KB)

  • 4th (FY2014)

Winner decision (press release document on January 28, 2015) (PDF: 424KB)

  • 3rd (FY2013)

Winners Decision (press release document on January 31, 2014) (PDF: 1,927KB)

  • 2nd (FY2012)

Winners Decision (press release document on January 31, 2013) (PDF: 284KB)

  • 1st (FY2011)

Winners Decision (press release on February 8, 2012) (PDF: 291KB)

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