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Recruitment Examination for university graduate degree [Spring Program] Implementation Status and Results

Last Updated May 31, 2024

2024 University Graduation Recruitment Examination [Spring Program] Implementation Status and Results
Test category Applicant (person) Candidates (persons) Those who passed the first examination (person) Those who pass the second examination (person) Final passer (person) Final competition rate (double)
Office work 1,537 1,363 296 157 75 18.2
Digital 17 16 11 - 5 3.2
Civil engineering 150 141 139 - 67 2.1
Architecture 54 49 29 - 11 4.5
Machinery 29 28 28 - 10 2.8
Electricity 30 27 26 - 11 2.5
Total 1,817 1,624 529 157 179 9.1

※The categories of "civil engineering", "architecture", "machinery" and "electricity" categories will be conducted until 2023 as a university graduate recruitment test [technology advanced implementation framework].
※Until FY2023, the “Digital” category was conducted as a recruitment test for university graduates.


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