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  5. [Application has been closed] Yokohama-shi energy saving diagnosis support subsidy

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[Application has been closed] Yokohama-shi energy saving diagnosis support subsidy

For small and medium-sized enterprises who have undergone an energy-saving diagnosis conducted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, we will support the co-payment of businesses out of the cost of energy-saving diagnosis.

Last Updated March 1, 2025

Overview of Yokohama City Energy Saving Diagnosis Support Subsidy Project

Application requirements, etc.

If you are considering applying, please check the application guide.

Please be sure to read the application guide.

Overview of Subsidiary Projects

Overview of Subsidies

Subsidized expensesConsultation costs for energy-saving diagnosis (*2)
Subsidized amount

10/10 (*3) of subsidized expenses

Of which, the subsidy limit is 50,000 yen

Balance of budget balance (*1)

※1) [Remaining Budget] ◎: Less than 100% to 50% or more, 0: Less than 50% to 25% or more, △: Less than 25% to 10% or more, -: Less than 10% to 1% or more, x: No budget left
※2) From April 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025, at establishments located in the city, those who have completed the consultation of the energy-saving diagnosis conducted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry specified by Yokohama City are eligible. . Energy saving diagnosis established by Motoichi is the next diagnosis. For details, please refer to each business (outside site).

※3) Consumption tax and local consumption tax equivalents are excluded.

Application acceptance period (application acceptance has been closed)

From Wednesday, June 26, 2024 to Friday, February 28, 2025
※ If the budget limit is reached, the application will be closed.
※ Reception will be held on a first-come, first-served basis.
※ After the energy-saving diagnosis of all the facilities to be implemented is completed, those that have been completed until payment are eligible.

Subsidized persons (* 1)

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises with headquarters in the city (* 2)
  • A company that does not fall under the Companies Act and has a head office in the city (* 3)

※1) About energy saving diagnosis targeted for assistance, please confirm directly with the implementing organization whether or not consultation is possible.
※2) It is stipulated in the Small and Medium Enterprise Basic Law (outside site) (please confirm when applying.) 。
※3) Other than companies under the Companies Act are "social welfare corporations", "medical corporations", "school corporations", "non-profit corporations (NPOs), "cooperatives", etc.

How to apply

Currently, the application has been closed.

Documents to be submitted ※Please submit it to the electronic application and notification system.

  1. Declaration of Decarbonization Initiatives, or Declaration of Decarbonization Initiatives
  2. Documents certifying payment (*1)
  3. Copy of report of energy saving diagnosis result
  4. Copy of documents proving that you run business in the city (* 2) (* 3)
  5. In addition, documents deemed necessary by the mayor

※1) Receipt, transfer statement (transfer receipt), credit card usage statement, etc.
※2) In the case of a corporation, all the history items certificate, company information that shows that the head office is in the city, PDF of the homepage screen, etc. (If it is posted on the Yokohama City Qualified Person List (outside site), omit it Is possible.)
※3) For sole proprietors, registration form, such as opening of business or sole proprietorship business establishment notification certificate, business certificate (location certificate), management scale evaluation result notification, comprehensive evaluation value notification, blue declaration, copy of employment insurance application establishment notification, etc.

Flow of Application

Request of Yokohama-shi energy saving diagnosis support subsidy, application withdrawal, change application (application acceptance was finished)

Request for grant

Please request from Yokohama-shi electronic application, report system.
※ The request form will be announced together with the grant decision and the amount confirmation letter.
If it is difficult to submit from the Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification System, please contact the following.
 Economic Affairs Bureau Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Division Yokohama City Energy Conservation Diagnosis Support Subsidy
 Telephone: 045-671-4236

Application for change

Outlines, etc.

※) Person who cannot apply in Yokohama-shi electronic application, report system, please download "Yokohama-shi energy saving diagnosis support subsidy style documents" and submit by mail.
 [In case of submission by mail]
 〒231-0005 6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City Hall 31F
        Economic Affairs Bureau Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Division Yokohama City Energy Conservation Diagnosis Support Subsidy

Other related information

※It is necessary to make a declaration when applying for this subsidy.

※When applying for the Energy Conservation Diagnosis Consultation Course, you will need to receive an Energy Conservation Diagnosis.
 You can apply for this subsidy if you receive the target energy saving diagnosis.

Decarbonized management consultation desk

For small and medium-sized enterprises in the city, consultation on decarbonization initiatives and related subsidies, application support such as subsidies, support for self-diagnosis to grasp the company's CO2 emissions and electricity consumption, etc. In order to conduct business, we have set up a specialized consultation desk on decarbonization at the Yokohama Corporate Management Support Foundation (known as IDEC Yokohama), so please use it.
◎ Consultation on overall decarbonization management [Yokohama Corporate Management Support Foundation (IDEC Yokohama)]
 Reception hours: Weekdays 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
 (7th floor, Yokohama Media and Communications Center, 11, Nihon Odori, Naka-ku, Yokohama)
 Telephone: 045-225-3717 / FAX: 045-225-3738

Introduction of other CO2 visualization tools

Support for Visualization of CO2 (external site) (Yokohama Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
The Chamber of Commerce supports member businesses with the introduction of cloud-based tools to visualize emissions provided by private businesses.
CO2 check sheet (outside site) (Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
This is a free tool provided by the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry that allows users to easily visualize their energy usage and CO2 emissions.
Self-diagnosis tool (outside site) (Energy Conservation Center)
This is a tool provided by the Energy Conservation Center free of charge and can calculate CO2 emissions by entering the type of business, location (prefecture), and energy consumption of the business office you want to check.

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Inquiries to this page

Economic Affairs Bureau Small and Medium Enterprise Fisheries Promotion Department Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Division

Telephone: 045-671-4236

Telephone: 045-671-4236

Fax: 045-664-4867

Email address:

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Page ID: 286-538-304


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