

Here's the text.

Notification of addition (equivalent to Yokohama-shi tsusho care service)

Last Updated February 3, 2025

[Note] About postage pertaining to the reply envelope of the addition notice submitted after September 1, 2024

  • Since the postage will be changed from October 1, 2024, the postage fee to be affixed to the reply envelope pertaining to the notification of addition will be changed for the "additional notification after September 1, 2024". Please attach a stamp for "new fee".

 ※Please check the post office website (outside site) for details on the postage change.

1.When notification is required

[Documents related to the revision of remuneration for FY2024]
About calculation requirements of each addition (PDF: 681KB) (extract of notes)
※There is no change in the 2024 nursing care fee revision for items marked (abbreviated). [Management Guide (Service equivalent to tsusho care, Yokohama-shi tsusho care)] Please check the calculation requirements.

[Main items of the revision of nursing care fees in FY2024]
・Abolished “Office Evaluation Addition”
・Abolished “Exercise Function Improvement Addition” and integrated into basic remuneration (see the above document (1) Significance of tsusho-type services)
・New establishment of unimplemented subtraction for elderly abuse prevention measures (see document (2) Elder abuse prevention measures unimplemented subtraction)
・New establishment of business continuity plan unimplemented subtraction (see document (3) Business continuity plan unimplemented subtraction)
・New establishment of subtraction when business establishment does not perform pick-up (see above document (5) Subtraction when not pick-up)
・“Selective service multiple implementation addition” has been revised to “Integrated service provision addition” (Refer to the above document (11) Handling of integrated service provision addition).
※As of the end of March 2024, all establishments that have calculated the “Selective Service Multiple Implementation Addition” must submit a calculation or notification of withdrawal in accordance with the new requirements.

[When notification is required]
・When we are going to receive application of addition that requires prior notification
・When it no longer meets the requirements for addition
・When there is a change in the content of the notification
・When attempting to apply for designation
・When a notification item is added or changed due to a law revision, etc.

2.Documents to be submitted

3.Date of submission

・Please submit by the 15th of the previous month of the month in which the addition is calculated.
・Also, if you no longer meet the requirements for addition, please submit it promptly regardless of the above date and time.

4.Submission method

Please refer to the separate sheet "★ required documents List" and submit required documents to Nursing Care Business Guidance Division by mail (bring) or electronic application notification system (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare).
① Please check the required documents on the separate sheet "★ required documents List".
② Please make a required documents.
③ ②Please keep a copy of the documents created in the office.
④ ②Please submit by mail or electronic application notification system (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare).
※When you bring application documents directly to city hall, please bring them to city hall Hours.
 [Yokohama City Hall Hours] From 8:45 am to 5:15 pm Monday to Friday (excluding holidays, holidays, and from December 29 to January 3)

5.Submission address

1) "mail" or "direct visit agency"
○When operating integrally with regular-scale outpatient care
6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi 16th floor
Yokohama City Hall Health and Social Welfare Bureau Care Business Guidance Division, Operation Support Section

○When operating integrally with community-based day care
6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi 16th floor
Yokohama City Hall Health and Social Welfare Bureau Nursing Care Business Guidance Division Operation Support Section

2) "Electronic Application"
Log in to the electronic application notification system (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) (external site)
※For details on how to operate this system, please refer to the materials listed below.
Electronic application notification system (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) Help page (outside site)

※To use the Electronic Application Notification System (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare), you need to register your G-Biz ID.
If the ID has not been obtained, G-Biz ID | Please create an account from Home ( (external site).
※For the structure of this system and frequently asked questions, please refer to the materials listed below.
Electronic application notification system (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) Help page (outside site)

[Contact for "G Biz ID"] Please contact us using the inquiry form or telephone at the link above (TEL: 0570-023-797).
※Even if it took time to prepare for the use of G Biz ID or registration information service, Motoichi will not be able to accept documents after the deadline. Please be careful.

6. Replacement of amended documents

1) "mail" or "direct visit agency"
Replacement of amendment documents by e-mail (please set a password when personal information is contained), fax (cannot be used for personal information), mail Please submit.

 ○When operating integrally with regular-scale outpatient care
 ・Email address: [Please put the name of the office in the subject and the name of the person in charge of Motoichi in the text]
 ・FAX: 045-550-3615
 ・Mail: 16th floor City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Nursing Care Business Guidance Division, 6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0005

 ○ When operating integrally with community-based day care
 ・Email address: [Please include the name of the office in the subject and the name of the person in charge of Motoichi in the text]
 ・FAX: 045-550-3615
 ・Mail: 16th floor City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Nursing Care Business Guidance Division, 6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0005

2) "Electronic Application"
Please submit it on the electronic application system.

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Inquiries to this page

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Senior Health and Welfare Department Nursing Care Business Guidance Division

Email address:

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Page ID: 809-178-403


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