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Last Updated January 30, 2024

Are you preparing stockpiles and emergency listings?

Immediately after a disaster occurs, it becomes difficult to purchase food and daily necessities. Consider the family structure and stock the necessary stockpiling.
Also, prepare emergency listings where you can take it out immediately. The estimated amount of storage is at least three days.

~ Stockpiling~

Drinking water: 9l is recommended for 3 days per person. (Example) In the case of a family of 3 people x 9l = 27l

Food: Items that can be eaten without cooking, such as crackers, canned foods (things that do not require can openers), etc.
※If you have food allergies, make sure to stock up on what is suitable for you.

Toilet pack: It is a set of "coagulant" and "processing bag" to be installed in toilet at home. It can be purchased at home centers.
※15 pieces of 5 times per person per day x 3 days. (Example) In the case of a family of 3 people x 15 = 45 pieces

~ Emergency listing~

Lantern: Let's prepare spare batteries as well.

Mobile Radio: Prepare something that can be listened to both AM and FM, and have more spare batteries.

Valuables: Cash, bank account book, private seal, health insurance card

Others: Paper plates, paper cups, emergency medicine, mobile phone chargers, wet tissues, sanitary products, plastic bags, towels, work gloves, food wraps

Such an emergency list is also available in such a home

Prepare at home with infants
Milk, baby bottle, baby food, spoon,
Diapers, buttocks, clothes,
Baby blankets, piggybacks, baby toys

What is prepared in a home where the care recipient needs
Preparation of clothes, diapers, disability certificates, auxiliary equipment, etc.

What to prepare in a family with pregnant women
Exposure, cotton wool, gauze, mother and child notebook, neonatal supplies

Learning from experienced major earthquakes in the past ~ What was good at the time of the disaster ~

In the past major earthquakes, water outages occurred, so many people were having trouble with domestic water (washing, bathing, washbasin), toilets, and eating and drinking water. Therefore, it is said that not only the stockpiling of water, but also plastic tanks and trolleys that carry water, and wet tissues that contain the body were especially useful.
In addition, due to power outages and gas interruptions, many people were having trouble with meals and family contact, and flashlights, portable radios, chargers for mobile phones, dry batteries, and tabletop stoves were also useful.
In addition, for women, it is said that stockpiling sanitary products was also useful.
Consider the gender and age of yourself and your family, and stock the necessary stockpiling.

"Rolling stock" is recommended for stockpiling!

"Rolling stock" means
We buy a little more food and daily necessities according to family structure and lifestyle.
This is the idea of "patrol-type stockpiling" in which new purchases are added while using the alignment in order.
Let's incorporate "rolling stock" into your life on a daily basis.

[Reference] "Tokyo Stockpiling Navi" Let's find a stockpiling that suits you

This site is published by General Affairs Bureau General Disaster Prevention Department of Tokyo.
For those who do not come to the pin when they hear "stockpiling for disasters" or those who are interested but do not know what and how much to stock up, we introduce the stockpiling stockpiling and items that should be prepared. I am.

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