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FY2024 Asahi Ward's budget “Promotion Expenses for the Creation of Unique Wards”

"Individual ward planning promotion costs" is a budget created so that you can voluntarily and independently work on projects that focus on the individuality of the city (inhabitants of a ward) and respond to local issues and requests. is.

Last Updated February 6, 2024

Concept of the 2024 Budget

In Asahi Ward, the continuous grade separation project near Tsurugamine Station and GREEN x EXPO2027 have led to progress in town development, and the number of in-migrants continues to exceed out-migrants. On the other hand, the population of Asahi Ward is declining due to the declining birthrate and aging population, and it is now the district with the largest population aged 75 and over.
Based on these circumstances, it is necessary to promote initiatives so that you can live your own life with peace of mind at any age, and to be able to raise and raise children with peace of mind in the community. To that end, "local power", such as efforts for safety and security, which is the basis of life, support in the community and connections between people, will become even more important. We promote cooperation with various partners such as Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations activities and NPOs, companies and organizations, as well as support various local challenges. Furthermore, in preparation for the GREEN × EXPO2027, we aim to realize “Furusato Asahi,” which continues to be chosen, by communicating the appeal of Asahi Ward both inside and outside the country.

Safety and Security

We will further strengthen the disaster prevention capabilities of the disaster prevention organizations in the town (Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, etc.) and promote the community support initiatives. We will promote disaster prevention, anti-crime program and traffic safety measures to promote safe and secure town development. In addition, we watch over and support in imminent area and promote the making of connection.

Regional Power

We recognize diversity and promote the creation of an environment where people can speak up and support each other when they are in trouble. In addition, we will promote cooperation with various partners, aim to solve complex issues, and create regional vitality through various challenges and support for startups that spread throughout the region.

Creation of Attractiveness

We will promote the appeal of Asahi Ward by making use of the environment and cultural and historical assets close to water, greenery, flowers, and agriculture. In addition, we will promote initiatives to foster momentum toward GREEN x EXPO2027.

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