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FY2020 Asahi Ward's budget “Promoting the Development of Unique Wards”

"Individual ward planning promotion costs" is a budget created so that you can voluntarily and independently work on projects that focus on the individuality of the city (inhabitants of a ward) and respond to local issues and requests. is.

Last Updated February 13, 2020

Concept of the FY2020 Budget

The opening of the Sotetsu and JR direct lines has led to active community development activities, such as improving access to the city center, using land at the former Kamiseya Communication Facility, and holding an international horticultural exposition. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we will enjoy culture and sports while interacting closely with water, greenery and flowers, and communicate and create the appeal of Asahi Ward that fosters children.
On the other hand, in order to respond to various issues associated with the progress of the super-aging society, we will formulate and promote community-based welfare and health plans and work to resolve complex issues from the perspective of SDGs, such as on-demand bus demonstration experiments.

Dissemination of charm, town connected by water, green, flower, sports, culture

As the next stage of the 50th anniversary of Asahi Ward's birth toward the realization of Asahi Ward, a town that continues to be chosen, we will enhance the appeal of the ward that we have shared with residents so far, and based on the analysis of the newly conducted questionnaire survey, we will disseminate attractiveness in line with the actual situation of transferees. In addition, we promote local connections through the maintenance of flower beds and events that make use of rich nature, promotion of "Boccia" where many generations can participate, and support for various cultural activities by inhabitants of a ward.

SDGs Creation of a suburban area model for future cities

Through a variety of partnerships, including companies, organizations, schools, experts, artists, and students in various fields, we will accelerate the resolution of regional issues such as the revitalization of large-scale housing complex and the securing of means of transportation, as well as the challenge of SDGs.

A town where people can live safely and with peace of mind

To prepare for frequent natural disasters, we will further foster awareness of the self support and community support, and develop measures to improve disaster response capabilities throughout the region, including those requiring assistance and medical systems. In addition, through traffic safety classes for the elderly and efforts to prevent fraud damage, we will promote safe and secure town development that integrates disaster prevention, anti-crime program and traffic safety.

A town where everyone can live a healthy and happy life

We will formulate the next community-based welfare and health plan with emphasis on the nature of the parties, such as study meetings by practitioners of local activities and interviews with related organizations. In addition, through the promotion of walking and health support for the work and child-raising generations, we will promote health promotion for all generations, promote child-rearing support from pregnancy, and support the healthy growth of children.

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