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Major statistical data list of Aoba Ward

Last Updated May 30, 2024

Outline of open data in Aoba-ku, Yokohama

Open data refers to data held by the government, independent administrative agencies, local governments, etc., in a form suitable for machine interpretation so that it can be easily used by citizens and companies, etc., and under the rules that can be used for secondary use. And also refers to data that is disclosed.
In Aoba Ward, we release administrative data (except personal information) which ward holds on homepage in form that inhabitants of a ward can use. Administrative data can be used for a variety of purposes.

Aoba Ward Open Data List

(1) I see, Aoba 2023

(2) About various facilities in Aoba Ward

(1) I see, Aoba 2023

I see, Aoba 2023
Posted pageItemsxlsx version
4 to 5 pagesAoba Ward's main data indicatorsAoba Ward's main data indicators (Excel: 17KB)
Page 61 Position, terrain, town(1) Position and terrain (Excel: 12KB)
Page 71 Position, terrain, town(2) Town (Excel: 12KB)
Page 82 Population and Household(1) Increase and decrease in population and number of households (Excel: 13KB)
Page 92 Population and Household(2) Demographics (Excel: 12KB)
10 pages2 Population and Household(3) Transfer in and out (Excel: 12KB)
Page 112 Population and Household(4) Daytime and night population (Excel: 12KB)
Page 122 Population and Household(5) Changes in population by age group (Excel: 12KB)
Page 132 Population and Household

(6) Population ratio of population by town, (Excel: 14KB)
(7) Population by 18 categories (Excel: 12KB)

Page 142 Population and Household

(8) Population pyramid, (9) Average age, (10) Changes in average life expectancy (Excel: 14KB)

Page 152 Population and Household(11) Household type (Excel: 13KB)
Page 163 Regional Economics(1) From Economic Census (Excel: 12KB)

Page 17

3 Regional Economics(2) From the 2020 Agriculture and Forestry Census, (3) Housing and Land Statistics Survey (Excel: 14KB)
Page 184 Living, Living and Environment

(1) Land use, (2) parks, etc. (Excel: 14KB)

Page 194 Living, Living and Environment(3) Road and Traffic (Excel: 11KB)
Page 204 Living, Living and Environment(4) Traffic accident (Excel: 14KB)
Page 214 Living, Living and Environment(5) Railway, (6) Water Supply (Excel: 13KB)
Page 224 Living, Living and Environment(7) Garbage (Excel: 15KB)
Page 234 Living, Living and Environment(8) Firefighting and emergency services (Excel: 15KB)
Page 244 Living, Living and Environment(9) Crime (Excel: 12KB)
Page 255 Welfare(1) Health and Welfare Consultation, (2) social security (Excel: 12KB)
Page 265 Welfare

(3) Welfare for the elderly, (4) Welfare for Persons with Disabilities (Excel: 13KB)

Page 275 Welfare

(5) Child welfare (Excel: 13KB)

Page 286 Health and Hygiene

(1) Health, (2) Hygiene (Excel: 12KB)

Page 297 National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) National Health Insurance(1) National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin), (2) National Health Insurance (Excel: 12KB)
30 pages8 Education and Lifelong Learning(1) School (Excel: 13KB)
Page 318 Education and Lifelong Learning(2) Culture (Excel: 14KB)
32 pages9 City Tax9 City Tax (Excel: 11KB)
Page 3310 family register, Resident Registration

10 family register / Resident Registration (Excel: 13KB)

Page 3411 Elections11 Elections (Excel: 14KB)
Page 3512 Aoba Ward Residents' Awareness Survey

12 Aoba Ward Residents' Awareness Survey (Excel: 13KB)

36-37 pages13 History13 History (Excel: 13KB)


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For inquiries to this page

Aoba Ward General Affairs Division Statistics and Elections Section

Phone: 045-978-2205

Phone: 045-978-2205

Fax: 045-978-2410

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Page ID: 480-764-475

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