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FY2019 inhabitant of a ward awareness survey

Last Updated September 28, 2023

Summary of inhabitant of a ward opinion survey

●Date of survey
From Monday, May 20, 2019 to Monday, June 17,
●Survey target
3,000 men and women aged 18 and over living in Tsuzuki Ward   (random sampling including foreign citizens)
●Investigation method
Postal survey (sent questionnaires are sent by mail and collected by mail)
Questionnaire (PDF: 488KB)

Survey results

Bulletin (simplementation)

FY2019 inhabitant of a ward awareness survey result data (Excel: 79KB) (Excel format)
FY2019 inhabitant of a ward awareness survey result data (CSV: 51KB) (csv format)

Cross tabulation result

Press release document (PDF: 233KB)
Outline of Results (PDF: 667KB)
Report (PDF: 6,250KB)

Aggregated data

This is a cross-tabulation of each question and the attributes of respondents (F1: Gender, F2: Age, F3 Residential Area, F5: Family Form, Child and Elderly living together Family, F6: Employment Status).
Question 1 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 32KB) (Excel: 32KB)

Q1 When have you lived in Tsuzuki Ward  ?

Question 2 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 27KB) (Excel: 27KB)

Q2 Which of these are your home?

Q3 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 28KB) (Excel: 28KB)

Where did you live before you came to Tsuzuki Ward  ?

Q4 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 27KB) (Excel: 27KB)

Q4 Do you want to continue living in Tsuzuki Ward  ?

Q5 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 30KB) (Excel: 30KB)

Q5 Where is your workplace or school?

Question 5-1 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 31KB) (Excel: 31KB)

Question 5-1 In Question 5, ask the person who selected 2-8. What are the means of transportation for commuting to work?

Q 5-2 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 28KB) (Excel: 28KB)

Question 5-2 Ask the person who selected 2 to 8 in Question 5. How long does it take to commute to work or school after leaving home?

Q6-1 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 160KB) (Excel: 160KB)

Question 6-1 Importance of Tsuzuki Ward  's Living Environment

Q6.2 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 181KB) (Excel: 181KB)

Question 6-2 Satisfaction with Tsuzuki Ward  's living environment

Q6.3 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 142KB) (Excel: 142KB)

Question 6-3 degree of change in living environment in Tsuzuki Ward  

Q7 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 37KB) (Excel: 37KB)

Q7 What measures do you and your family take in case of an earthquake or storm or flood?

Q8 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 41KB) (Excel: 41KB)

Q8 Do you know about the following?

Q9 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 29KB) (Excel: 29KB)

Q9 Do you know about the following information collection methods?

Question 9-1 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 25KB) (Excel: 25KB)

Question 9-1 We will ask those who chose to know one of "1 Yokohama City Disaster Prevention Information E-mail", "2 Yahoo! Disaster Prevention Bulletin App", or "Twitter of 3 cities and wards" . Those registered (installed)

Q10 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 25KB) (Excel: 25KB)

Q10 Are you in Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations?

Q11 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 33KB) (Excel: 33KB)

What are your expectations for Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations activities?

Q12 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 26KB) (Excel: 26KB)

Q12 Do you know someone who lives in the neighborhood?

Q13 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 27KB) (Excel: 27KB)

Q13 How many neighborhoods do you usually interact with?

Q14-1 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 33KB) (Excel: 33KB)

Q14-1 Regarding social contribution activities, have you ever conducted social contribution activities (Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations activities, volunteer activities, NPO (NPO) corporate activities, etc.) in the past year in Tsuzuki Ward  ?

Q14-2 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 34KB) (Excel: 34KB)

Q14-2 Do you have any new (or continuing) participate in social contribution activities?

Q14-3 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 34KB) (Excel: 34KB)

Q14-3 Are there any activities that should be enhanced in the community that should be further enhanced in the region?

Q14-1 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 29KB) (Excel: 29KB)

Question 14-1 Ask the person who has at least one circle in 1) to 13) in 14 Which of these factors did you first participate in social contribution activities?

Q14-2 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 27KB) (Excel: 27KB)

Q14-2 Ask the person who did not circle 1) to 13) in question 14-2 Under what circumstances is it easy to participate in social contribution activities?

Q15-1 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 31KB) (Excel: 31KB)

Q15-1 What do you think you can help to those in need of your neighborhood? Also, if you have a little trouble, do you want your neighbors to help? (being able to help)

Q15-2 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 31KB) (Excel: 31KB)

Q15-2 What do you think you can help those in need of neighborhoods? Also, if you have a little trouble, do you want your neighbors to help? (I want you to help)

Q16 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 26KB) (Excel: 26KB)

Q16 Do you have any experience in raising children?

Q17 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 29KB) (Excel: 29KB)

What kind of information do you think is useful for pregnant women and their families?

Q18 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 30KB) (Excel: 30KB)

Q18 What measures do you think is necessary to raise children with peace of mind?

Q19 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 31KB) (Excel: 31KB)

How would you take if you notice a suspected child abuse elementary school student?

Q20-1 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 29KB) (Excel: 29KB)

Q20-1 What do you think is important about your health promotion efforts? Also, what are you actually working on? (What I think is important)

Q20-2 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 30KB) (Excel: 30KB)

Q20-2 What do you think is important about your health promotion efforts? Also, what are you actually working on? (What we are working on)

Q21 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 28KB) (Excel: 28KB)

Q21 What kind of measures do you think are necessary for you to take health promotion initiatives?

Q22 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 27KB) (Excel: 27KB)

Q22 What are the most concerned about the life of the elderly? If you are not an elderly person, please answer your question for the future.

Q23 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 30KB) (Excel: 30KB)

Q23 What kind of support and efforts do you think are needed as the elderly population increases in the future?

Q24-1 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 29KB) (Excel: 29KB)

Q24-1 Where is the shopping destination for “usual shopping”?

Q24-2 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 31KB) (Excel: 31KB)

Q24-2 Where is the place where you do "normal shopping"?

Q24-3 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 32KB) (Excel: 32KB)

Q24-3 Where do you think it would be convenient if you could do "normal shopping"?

Q24-4 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 29KB) (Excel: 29KB)

Q24-4 What is the means of transportation used when doing "normal shopping"?

Q24-5 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 29KB) (Excel: 29KB)

Q24-5 Where is the shopping destination for "sometimes shopping"?

Q24-6 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 32KB) (Excel: 32KB)

Q24-6 Where is the place to do "sometimes shopping"?

Q24-7 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 32KB) (Excel: 32KB)

Q24-7 Where do you think would be convenient if you could do "sometimes shopping"?

Q24-8 Cross-tabulation data (Excel: 29KB) (Excel: 29KB)

Q24-8 What is the means of transportation used when doing "sometimes shopping"?

Q25-1 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 32KB) (Excel: 32KB)

Q25 - Do you engage in cultural activities or appreciation around 1 day?

Q25-2 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 32KB) (Excel: 32KB)

Q25-2 What kind of cultural activities and appreciation do you want to do in the future?

Question 25-1 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 31KB) (Excel: 31KB)

Question 25-1 We ask only those who have circled the item of "Cultural Activities and Appreciation that we usually do" in question 25. Where do you see the activities and appreciation?

Q26-1 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 77KB) (Excel: 77KB)

Q26-1 Regarding the facilities in Tsuzuki Ward  , your [recognition and usage status] for each item.

Q26-2 Cross tabulation data (Excel: 91KB) (Excel: 91KB)

Q26-2 For facilities in Tsuzuki Ward  , your [frequency of use] for each item.

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For inquiries to this page

Tsuzuki Ward   Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section

Phone: 045-948-2226

Phone: 045-948-2226

Fax: 045-948-2399

Email address:

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Page ID: 486-497-117

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