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Welcome to Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations: Information on subscription

Last Updated March 26, 2024

Click here for the Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations charming video!

Benefits of joining Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations

Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations

Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations is the closest self-governing body operated voluntarily by people living in neighboring neighborhoods.
We work together to solve various issues common to the community on a daily basis, deepen our sense of solidarity through fellowship and various activities, and work to create a comfortable and comfortable town with contact. .
The Tsuzuki Ward   Office encourages residents to join Neighborhood Association and Neighborhood Associations in order to promote the development of a town where they can live with peace of mind.

The Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations activity booklet “Connected tsuzuki” introduces the appeal of these activities.

Benefits of joining the Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations

Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations is a voluntary organization that engages in a variety of activities to help people living in certain areas, such as towns and chomes, solve local issues and promote friendship among residents.

Let's join Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations for better urban development.

Benefits of joining Neighborhood Association and Neighborhood Associations

How to apply for membership in Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations

Please apply from the subscription form (external site) (external link) of the Tsuzuki Ward   Union Neighborhood Associations Neighborhood Association homepage.
Tsuzuki Ward   Office Regional Promotion Division (Neighborhood Associations, Neighborhood Association Office, Tsuzuki Ward  ) Upon arrival at Tsuzuki Ward   Office Regional Promotion Division, this application will be submitted by the ward office to the local government chairman or the town chairman. Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations will call you soon, so please wait until then.
Personal information submitted will not be used for any purpose other than application to Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations.

※In addition, about application by e-mail, ward office window and FAX, we introduce in "connected tsuzuki".
※You can join if you ask the chairman or officer of Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations directly.

Inquiries to this page

Tsuzuki Ward   General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Telephone: 045-948-2231

Phone: 045-948-2231

Fax: 045-948-2239

Email address:

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Page ID: 494-641-596

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