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The 4th Tsurumi Ward Community Welfare and Health Plan (Tsurumi Ainetto)

Last Updated February 7, 2025

Lottery (click to jump to each content)

The latest information

We hold the 19th Tsurumi Ainetto Promotion Forum!

Under the theme of "Everyone's 'Ainetto'-Tsurumi connected across the boundaries-", Part 1 will give a thank-you party for people who have contributed to social welfare, and Part 2 will present activities that are being undertaken in the community.

Date and time From 13:30 to 15:30 (open at 13:00) on Saturday, February 15, 2025
[Venue] Tsurumi public hall (2-1, Toyooka-cho, Fuga 16th floor)


The 19th Tsurumi-Ainetto Promotion Forum Flyer

We have released the main booklet and summary version leaflet of the 4th plan!

You can view and download the main booklet and summary version of the 4th plan formulated in March 2022.
It is also distributed at the Tsurumi Ward Office, the Tsurumi Ward Japan National Council of Social Welfare, and the Community Care Plaza in Tsurumi Ward.


4th Tsurumi Ainet cover

※Please note that some kanji have been replaced with hiragana so that accurate reading can be performed using speech-to-speech software.

Summary Version

4th Tsurumi Ainetto Overview Cover

※Braille and audio versions are available. If you would like to use the service, please contact the person in charge at the bottom in advance.

Multilingual Version

We have released an introduction video of the 4th plan!

This video introduces an overview of the plans for the entire ward and plans for each of the 18 districts in Tsurumi Ward.

Overall version (summary of ward plan and plan by all 18 districts)

Planned version by each district (Activities of each district are from 4:09)

※It is a video that divides the same content as the whole version by each district.

Yako district and market district
 Yako district  Market District 
Tsurumichuo District 2, Market District
Market Second DistrictTsurumichuo district
Shiota Central District and Eastern Shiota District
Shiota Central DistrictEastern Shiota Area
Shiomibashi district and western Shiota district
Shiomibashi area Western Shiota
Onomachi district and Namamugi first district
Ono-machi areaNamamugi District 1
Namamugi District 2 and Toyooka District
Namamugi District 2 Toyooka area 
Terao district and Terao second district
 Terao district Terao Second District
Komaoka and Kamisueyoshi districts
 Komaoka area  Kamisueyoshi district
Shimosueyoshi and Egasaki districts
Shimosueyoshi district Egasaki district

Split version of the main booklet

What is Tsurumi Ainet?

In Tsurumi Ward, we are working with residents to promote Tsurumi Ainet (Tsurumi Ward Community Welfare and Health Plan), an initiative to create a city where everyone can live with peace of mind.
The period of the 4th plan is five years from Reiwa 3 to 7. (Formulated in March 2022 due to the postponement of the deadline due to the spread of COVID-19)

Tsurumi Ainet

Direction of the Fourth Plan

Overview of Direction
Basic Philosophy Helping, supporting each other, and networking between people Continued from the Third Plan
Pillar of Promotion 1 Connected community development Continued from the Third Plan
2 community development will receive assistance when needed
3 community development, where people can live healthy

Foundation for Promotion


Human Resources (Developing Future Leaders)

Extracted as an element common to all community-based welfare and health activities

"mutual understanding" (understanding and respect among residents)
“Places and Opportunities” (enhancement of places and opportunities)

Initiatives related to the formulation of the 4th Tsurumi and Ainetto

In formulating the fourth plan, many people, including inhabitants of a ward, cooperated during Reiwa Moto-3. .
The following page introduces initiatives related to the formulation of the 4th plan.

Conduct result of inhabitant of a ward opinion offer to plan draft

Draft cover (excerpt)

In devising the fourth Tsurumi Ward community-based welfare health plan, we carried out inhabitant of a ward opinion offer to ward overall plan draft.
(Period: From Saturday, November 20, 2021 to Tuesday, December 28, 2021)
Thank you for your valuable opinions and suggestions from the inhabitants of the ward.
As for the result of inhabitant of a ward opinion offer, please see opinion offer result (PDF: 321KB).

Tsurumi Ainet Promotion Committee

It is an organization aimed at steadily promoting Tsurumi / Ainet and community-based welfare and health-related businesses. It is composed of representatives of related organizations by inhabitants of a ward, welfare and health related organizations, and academic experts.

2nd Promotion Committee for FY2018

Date and time: Monday, January 21, 2019 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 292KB)

1st Promotion Committee for FY2019

Date and time: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 449KB)

2nd Promotion Committee for FY2019

Date and time: Friday, January 31, 2020 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 224KB)

The 1st Promotion Committee for FY2020

Date and time: Friday, July 10, 2020 from 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 304KB)

Photo of the Promotion Committee

1st Promotion Committee for FY2021

Date and time: Thursday, July 29, 2021 from 10:30 am to noon
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 159KB)

Photo of the Promotion Committee

2nd Promotion Committee for FY2021

Date and time: From 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm on Friday, November 5, 2021
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 216KB)

Photo of the Promotion Committee

The 3rd Promotion Committee for FY2021 (held as the 4th Development Review Project)

Date: March 2022 (postponed from scheduled to be held in February 2022 due to the spread of COVID-19)
Outline of the proceedings (held in writing) (PDF: 121KB)

1st Promotion Committee for FY2022

Date and time: Friday, July 15, 2022 from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 204KB)

Photo of the Promotion Committee

2nd Promotion Committee for FY2022

Date and time: From 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm on Friday, January 20, 2023
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 215KB)

Photo of the Promotion Committee

1st Promotion Committee for FY2023

Date and time: Friday, July 21, 2023 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 274KB)

Photo of the Promotion Committee

2nd Promotion Committee for FY2023

Date and time: From 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Friday, January 26, 2024
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 189KB)

Photo of the Promotion Committee

1st Promotion Committee for FY2024

Date and time: From 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Friday, July 5, 2024
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 279KB)

Photo of the Promotion Committee

The 4th Tsurumi-Ainetto Formulation Study Group (Development Study Project)

Under the umbrella of the Tsurumi-Ainetto Promotion Committee, we will launch a project to examine the specific contents of the plan and proceed with the formulation.

1st Project

Agenda item: Review of initiatives in the Third Plan
Date and time: Thursday, October 31, 2019

Photo of the 1st Development Study Project

2nd Project

Agenda item: Direction of the Fourth Plan
Date and time: Monday, December 16, 2019

Photo of the 2nd Development Study Project

3rd Project

Agenda item: About the 4th plan draft (draft)
Date and time: Monday, June 28, 2021

Photo of the 3rd Development Study Project

The 4th Project (held as the 3rd Promotion Committee in FY2021)

Date: March 2022 (postponed from scheduled to be held in January 2022 due to the spread of COVID-19)
Agenda item: Conduct result of inhabitant of a ward opinion offer, final plan of ward plan and summary version, publication schedule, etc.

Inhabitant of a ward questionnaire (random conducted by 2,000 people)

Prior to the development of the 4th Tsurumi and Ainetto, we conducted a inhabitant of a ward questionnaire to ask about familiar things such as local activities, welfare, and health of inhabitants of a ward.

Overview of the Survey

Survey target: 2,000 inhabitants aged 20 years or older living in Tsurumi Ward
Extraction method: Random sampling, including foreign residents
Survey method: Mail distribution and mail collection
Survey period: August-September, 2013
Result of collection: 2,000 questionnaires sent out, 992 collections (collection rate: 49.6%)

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Inquiries to this page

Tsurumi Ward Health and Welfare Division

Telephone: 045-510-1826

Telephone: 045-510-1826

Fax: 045-510-1792

Email address:

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Page ID: 608-922-315

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