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Totsuka Ward Insurance and Pension Division

Last Updated December 7, 2018


16-17, Totsukacho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama-shi
Totsuka Ward General Government Building 2F

Main Business and Contact Information

National Pension Plan Section

Main Business Contact information

National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin)
Consultation regarding payment of National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) premiums

Phone number: 045-866-8441
Fax: 045-866-8419
Email address:
Contact: 5th window on the 2nd floor

Benefit Officers

Main Business Contact information
Thing about National Health Insurance, Medical Care for Elderly Seniors, and benefits of The Long-term Care Insurance
Thing about medical expenses subsidy of child, single parent, severely disabled person

Phone number: 045-866-8450
Fax: 045-871-5809
Email address:
Contact: 6th window on the 2nd floor

National Health Insurance Section

Main Business Contact information
About participation, withdrawal, premium of National Health Insurance, The Long-term Care Insurance, medical care system for elder senior citizens

Phone number: 045-866-8449
Fax: 045-871-5809
Email address:
Contact: 7th window on the 2nd floor

For inquiries to this page

Totsuka Ward Health and Welfare Center Insurance and Pension Division

Phone: 045-866-8441

Phone: 045-866-8441

Fax: 045-866-8419

Email address:

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Page ID: 721-273-995

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