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Totsuka Ward Health and Welfare Division

Last Updated July 2, 2024


16-17, Totsukacho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama-shi
Totsuka Ward General Government Building 6F

Main Business and Contact Information

Administration Planning Section

Main Business and Contact Information
Main Business Contact information

Thing about local welfare officer, children's committee
Thing about "garbage house"
Thing about disaster medical care

Phone number: 045-866-8418
Fax: 045-865-3963
Email address:
Contact: 61st window on the 6th floor

Business Planning Officer

Main Business and Contact Information
Main Business Contact information
Promotion of ward community-based welfare health plan (Totsuka Heart Plan)
Thing about operation management of community care plaza and welfare health activity base

Phone number: 045-866-8424
Fax: 045-865-3963
Email address:
Contact: 61st window on the 6th floor

Health Promotion Section

Main Business and Contact Information
Main Business Contact information

Cancer Screening
AIDS testing
Hepatitis medical expenses Grant
Countermeasures against tuberculosis and infectious diseases
Assistance for A-bomb survivors
Nutrition Improvement
Health promotion business

Phone number: 045-866-8426
Fax: 045-865-3963
Email address:
Contact: 62nd window on the 6th floor

For inquiries to this page

Totsuka Ward Health and Welfare Center Health and Welfare Division

Phone: 045-866-8418

Phone: 045-866-8418

Fax: 045-865-3963

Email address:

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Page ID: 792-774-367

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